Following the receipt of a Notice of Call-in within the required deadline, from Councillor Nick Jones calling in the decision of the Cabinet set out in Minute CA.6 of the meeting held on the 11th November 2020, a meeting of the Committee has been convened in order to consider the matter in accordance with the reasons set out on the Notice of Call-In.
In considering the matter, the options available to the Scrutiny Committee are as follows:
1. The Scrutiny Committee decides not to offer any comments on the Notice. In this situation the decision of the Cabinet will stand.
2. The Scrutiny Committee decides to offer comments or objections, which will be referred back to the Cabinet at the meeting arranged for the 16th December 2020.
3. The Scrutiny Committee may refer the Notice, without comment, to the Council. The matter will then be considered by the Council on the 10th February 2021 (a standard item appears on all Council summons to consider referrals from Scrutiny Committees). Any comments or objections from Council will be referred back to the Cabinet at the earliest opportunity, in accordance with the Council Constitution.
The Cabinet will be required to consider any objections and comments but will not be bound by them unless "it is contrary to the Policy Framework or contrary to or not wholly consistent with the Budget" (Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules - Paragraph 16(g) of the Council Constitution).”
The decision Minute, Call –in notice and a report along with
supporting documentation are attached in the agenda pack.
The below listed documents of the original paperwork considered by Cabinet can be found under the respective headings at:
Appendix 1 – Index of Documents
Appendix 2A. GM1.1 Heywood Pilsworth Topic Paper October 2020
Appendix 2B. GM1.2 Simister Bowlee Topic Paper October 2020
Appendix 2C. GM7 Elton Reservoir Topic Paper October 2020
Appendix 2D. GM 9 Walshaw Topic Paper October 2020
Appendix 2E. GM8 Seedfield Topic Paper October 2020
Appendix 3. Treatment of UDP Policies
Appendix 4. Equality Analysis Form
Supporting documents: