Agenda item

CDOP Annual Report

Dr Rebecca Fletcher, Chair of Bury, Rochdale and Oldham Child Death Overview Panel to provide an update. Reports and presentation attached.


Dr Rebecca Fletcher, Chair of Bury, Rochdale and Oldham Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) attended to provide a presentation and report on the Child Death Overview Annual Report.


The report includes data from closed cases from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. The purpose of the Bury, Rochdale and Oldham CDOP is to undertake a review of all child deaths up to the age of 18 years.


There was a review of 29 closed cases in Oldham, Rochdale and Bury. The majority of child deaths in Oldham, Rochdale and Bury occurred in the first year of life; 66% of these cases were expected deaths. These figures were also similar to Greater Manchester and the National CDOP reports. Prematurity was a theme in child deaths under the age of 1 and contributed to 76% of deaths; gender, deprivation and ethnicity were themes noted both locally and nationally.


There were modifiable risk factors which were identified as maternal obesity, maternal smoking and risk factors for sudden, unexpected deaths in infants. 


In the Greater Manchester report during 2019/2020 there were 129 child death cases reviewed by Greater Manchester CDOPs and 240 child death notifications. Potentially modifiable factors were identified in 40% of all closed cases.


The recommendations focus on:



       smoking cessation

       Reduce levels of obesity throughout the population

       Commission a review on 5-year Greater Manchester data

       A request on Greater Manchester data on suicides

       Ensure a mental health representative attends CDOP

       Implementing an electronic CDOP system (this went live on 1st April)


A member of the Board questioned the percentages of unexpected deaths in Bury. It was explained that as the numbers are small it can make a big difference to the percentages. It was explained that it is an interest to look at 5 years’ worth of data.


A discussion took place around preventable deaths and the plans to highlight this to drive behaviour change. Bury has programmes in place focussed on addressing modifiable risk factors.


It was agreed:


1.      Dr Fletcher to be thanked for the update.

2.      That the Health and Wellbeing Board approve the contents of the reports.

Supporting documents: