Agenda item


The following Notices of Motion have been received:-


(i)     Welcoming Refugees


A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:


Councillors M Powell, C Tegolo and S Wright


This Council recognises:

- The deeply concerning developments in Afghanistan along with recent political unrest and war in places such as Syria, Yemen and Hong Kong 

·         The responsibility the UK has to many citizens in countries like Afghanistan and Hong Kong

- That these developments are driving men, women and children in these locations to seek safety in the West, often willing to make perilous journeys, including by boat, to seek asylum in the UK

- The longstanding tradition the UK has had to welcoming refugees dating back to the Second World War and before, and that this commitment should remain now and going forwards 

·         The strong tradition the UK has in international aid, recently put in jeopardy by the cruel cut to International Aid 

·         The strong track record Bury has in welcoming refugees over many decades 

- That Local Authorities have a vitally important role to play in housing refugee families, and that this crisis can be managed successfully if all Council’s welcome their fair share of refugees over the coming months


This Council resolves to:

- Reaffirm our commitment that Refugees are very welcome in Bury 

·         Pledge a commitment to take at least our fair share of refugees, and encourage other Local Authorities to do the same

- Work with our public and voluntary sector and partners, and across Greater Manchester, to make that welcome a day to day reality 

- Write to the Government, directly, through your MPs and our city region Mayor asking them to:

- Provide the necessary support and funding to Council’s to facilitate the housing of refugees and care for refugee children 

- Reverse immediately the cut to International Development Aid and restore the 0.7% of GDP minimum


(ii) Stop The Cut to Universal Credit 


A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:

Councillors C Boles, N Boroda, S Butler, C Cummins, U Farooq, R Gold, J Grimshaw, S Haroon, M Hayes, T Holt, K Leach, G McGill, C Morris, B Mortenson, E O’Brien, K Peel, T Pilkington, A Quinn, D Quinn, T Rafiq, A Simpson, L Smith, T Tariq, K Thomas, S Walmsley, C Walsh and M Whitby.

This Council Notes:


1) This autumn the Government plans to cut Universal Credit by £20 a week.


2) This cut would affect 15,300 people in the borough Bury. 


3) The Child Poverty Action Group have stated that the £20 uplift is essential to ensure “low-income families with children receive the support they need”. 


4) The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has warned that the cut could see another 200,000 children pushed into poverty.


This Council resolves to: 


1) Write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer calling on them to stop the £20 a week cut to Universal Credit 


2) Write to the Members of Parliament for Bury North and Bury South calling on them to oppose the cut and vote against it in Parliament.



(iii) Future of care homes and housing provision for over 60s and the strengthening of the Borough’s mental and physical health offer 


A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:


Bernstein, Brown, Caserta, Cropper, Dean, Gartside, Harris, Lancaster, Hurst, Hussain, N Jones, Lewis, McBriar, Rydeheard, Vernon, Y Wright


‘The coronavirus pandemic has emphasised to all of us just how vital it is that local people, have safe and secure places to live and green open spaces to enjoy and exercise in.  

The council notes the ongoing consultation on ‘older people’s day services’ which is asking for feedback on day services for people over 50. The service review is part of the quality improvement and this engagement is welcome.  

t is important that we provide the highest standard of specialist housing for older residents, be it sheltered, extra-care or simply adapting homes to meet the needs of our residents.  

As we begin to move forward from the pandemic we need to develop plans for anticipated future demand and work with all the communities of bury to help shape the services and facilities they now need, including strengthening mental and physical health support  


That is why we call on the Council   

1.   To produce a baseline report that assesses our current housing stock: focusing on capacity, quality and adaptability.   

  1. to produce a baseline report that identifies current services and facilities which are available  

3.   To consult with residents of all ages and produce a report outlining future demand for housing, mental and physical health provision for residents over 60 years old or those requiring care.  

4.   To set out plans for delivering any new identified housing, mental and physical health provision  




(i)   Welcoming refugees


A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:


Councillors M Powell, C Tegolo and S Wright


This Council recognises:

- The deeply concerning developments in Afghanistan along with recent political unrest and war in places such as Syria, Yemen and Hong Kong 

  • The responsibility the UK has to many citizens in countries like Afghanistan and Hong Kong

- That these developments are driving men, women and children in these locations to seek safety in the West, often willing to make perilous journeys, including by boat, to seek asylum in the UK

- The longstanding tradition the UK has had to welcoming refugees dating back to the Second World War and before, and that this commitment should remain now and going forwards 

·         The strong tradition the UK has in international aid, recently put in jeopardy by the cruel cut to International Aid 

·         The strong track record Bury has in welcoming refugees over many decades 

- That Local Authorities have a vitally important role to play in housing refugee families, and that this crisis can be managed successfully if all Council’s welcome their fair share of refugees over the coming months


This Council resolves to:


- Reaffirm our commitment that Refugees are very welcome in Bury 


  • Pledge a commitment to take at least our fair share of refugees, and encourage other Local Authorities to do the same

- Work with our public and voluntary sector and partners, and across Greater Manchester, to make that welcome a day to day reality 

- Write to the Government, directly, through your MPs and our city region Mayor asking them to:

- Provide the necessary support and funding to Council’s to facilitate the housing of refugees and care for refugee children 

- Reverse immediately the cut to International Development Aid and restore the 0.7% of GDP minimum


It was moved by Councillor N Jones and seconded by Councillor P Bernstein as an amendment to:-


The strong tradition the UK has in international aid, recently put in jeopardy by the cruel cut to International Aid 



Reverse immediately the cut to International Development Aid and restore the 0.7% of GDP minimum


On being put, with 13 voting for, 28 voting against, and with the Mayor abstaining, the Mayor declared the motion lost.

On being put with 28 voting for, the Conservative Group and the Mayor abstaining the original motion was carried.


(ii) Stop The Cut to Universal Credit 


A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:

Councillors C Boles, N Boroda, S Butler, C Cummins, U Farooq, R Gold, J Grimshaw, S Haroon, M Hayes, T Holt, K Leach, G McGill, C Morris, B Mortenson, E O’Brien, K Peel, T Pilkington, A Quinn, D Quinn, T Rafiq, A Simpson, L Smith, T Tariq, K Thomas, S Walmsley, C Walsh and M Whitby.


This Council Notes:


1) This autumn the Government plans to cut Universal Credit by £20 a week.


2) This cut would affect 15,300 people in the borough Bury. 


3) The Child Poverty Action Group have stated that the £20 uplift is essential to ensure “low-income families with children receive the support they need”. 


4) The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has warned that the cut could see another 200,000 children pushed into poverty.


This Council resolves to: 


1) Write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer calling on them to stop the £20 a week cut to Universal Credit 


2) Write to the Members of Parliament for Bury North and Bury South calling on them to oppose the cut and vote against it in Parliament.


On being put, with 28 voting for, 13 members voting against, and with the Mayor abstaining, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 


(iii) Future of care homes and housing provision for over 60s and the strengthening of the Borough’s mental and physical health offer 


A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:


Bernstein, Brown, Caserta, Cropper, Dean, Gartside, Harris, Lancaster, Hurst, Hussain, N Jones, Lewis, McBriar, Rydeheard, Vernon, Y Wright


‘The coronavirus pandemic has emphasised to all of us just how vital it is that local people, have safe and secure places to live and green open spaces to enjoy and exercise in.  

The council notes the ongoing consultation on ‘older people’s day services’ which is asking for feedback on day services for people over 50. The service review is part of the quality improvement and this engagement is welcome.  

t is important that we provide the highest standard of specialist housing for older residents, be it sheltered, extra-care or simply adapting homes to meet the needs of our residents.  

As we begin to move forward from the pandemic we need to develop plans for anticipated future demand and work with all the communities of bury to help shape the services and facilities they now need, including strengthening mental and physical health support  


That is why we call on the Council   

1.   To produce a baseline report that assesses our current housing stock: focusing on capacity, quality and adaptability.   

2.   to produce a baseline report that identifies current services and facilities which are available  

3.   To consult with residents of all ages and produce a report outlining future demand for housing, mental and physical health provision for residents over 60 years old or those requiring care.  

4.   To set out plans for delivering any new identified housing, mental and physical health provision  


On being put, with 42 voting for, 0 members voting against, the Mayor abstaining the Mayor declared the motion carried.