Agenda item


A period of up to 15 minutes will be allocated for questions and supplementary questions from Members of the Council who are not Members of the Committee.  The period may be varied at the discretion of the Chair.


Two member questions have been received in advance of the meeting. Copies of the questions were circulated to Members of the committee in advance of the meeting.


Question 1: Why does Cllr Tariq think that the Let’s Do It strategy has been found to have minimal awareness across the Children’s Services directorate? Councillor Nick Jones asked by Councillor Bernstein.


Councillor Tariq, Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Children, Young people and Skills reported that the Let’s do it! Strategy includes a commitment to hear and engage with all vices in the community, including young people. Children and Young People are at the heart of the strategy including early help within the “Local” principle; education and skills within “Enterprise”; engagement and co-design with young people in “Together” and inclusion within “Strengths”.


The LGA peer review recognised the ambition in Bury for children and young people in Bury but fed back that there was work to do to embed the new approach within children’s social care practice. Co-production with young people is currently too limited, for example and the current “Compliance” culture in children’s social work does not support the flexible and engaging spirit of Let’s do it!


A commitment has therefore been made to developing the “Let’s” model within the Children and Young People’s department, which will be reflected in the improvement plan which has been branded as “Let’s do it it … for children”.  This will include the further strengthening of Early Help; evaluation and development of the Signs of Safety model (a strengths-based approach to social care); a review of the co-production approach and new tools to align practice with the “Let’s” strategic approach such as appreciative enquiry. 

In parallel, a broader piece of organisation development work is being planned to similarly reinforce new behaviours amongst all other staff and ensure complementary support across other departments.


Supplementary question: Would you give us the reassurance that included in the action plan will be milestones to identify those improvements have been achieved?


Councillor Tariq, Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Skills reported that he can give that commitment; the whole point of the improvement plan is to ensure the actions set are being implemented. The Improvement Board is being Chaired by Linda Clegg and will ensure we achieve the milestones set.


Question 2: What plans and by what date are being put in place to assist Members to strengthen their corporate parenting responsibilities? Councillor Russell Bernstein


Councillor Tariq, Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Children, Young people and Skills reported We have an active Corporate Parenting Board we will be holding a Corporate Parenting week from the 15th to the 19th November and elected members are invited to this. During this period sessions and events will be held every day which the members will be invited to get involved with.


The Members briefing training has been updated and the link sent to all to complete.  Following this we increased the number of corporate parenting champions. We have invited the members of the Corporate Parenting Board to be members of the constituted group for Care Experienced young people and the Virtual School Governing Board.  This has increased participation and involvement. Also elected members got involved with supporting the Summer activity programme.


The Corporate Parenting Newsletter will also be sent out this week which will provide an overview of work in the last few months.


We will continue to drive this important work forward – we need to get the whole of the council on board with the responsibility towards children in care and care leavers.  We certainly have a lot to do and to celebrate.






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