Agenda item


Sharon Martin, Head of Commissioning at Bury CCG and Howard Hughes, CCG Clinical Cabinet Chair will give a presentation at the meeting.



Sharon Martin Head of Commissioning and Howard Hughes Clinical Cabinet Chair at NHS Bury CCG gave a presentation explaining the future procurement of community services across Bury.


It was explained that Bury Clinical Commissioning Group served a population of approximately 185,000 people (196,017 GP registered).


The emerging priorities for the CCG in tackling health inequalities and reducing the life expectancy gap will be:-


·         Coronary heart disease and stroke.

·         Cancer

·         Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

·         Liver Disease/Alcohol

·         Mental Health and Learning Disability Mortality

·         Reducing unplanned activity


Bury CCGs vision was:-


“Continually improve Bury’s Health and wellbeing by listening to you and working together across boundaries”.


The vision is set within the context of


Ø      An integrated health and social care model of delivery

Ø      Reduced dependency on hospital care

Ø      Reduced health inequalities

Ø      Improved patient outcomes

Ø      Promotion of self care and shared decision making

Ø      Placing people and carers at the heart of their care

Ø      GPs at the centre of community/primary care model

Ø      Access to services 7 days a week 8.00am – 8.00pm


The Provider Landscape was explained as being broken down into 6 areas: - Primary Care (Mostly commissioned by NHS England), Secondary Care (most costly to provide) , Tertiary Care , Mental Health Services, Third Sector providers and Community Services.


Pennine care had been the successful bidder when Community Services had first been commissioned. The contract was due to run out in 2014 but could be extended for a further year if required.


Howard explained that proposed Community Service Redesign meant that

some services were being reviewed and changes in provision could be made.


The following services would be tendered for commencement in 2015:-


·         Core Podiatry Service

·         Core Audiology Service

·         Community Eye Service

·         Treatment Room Service

·         Tissue Viability Service

·         Lymphoedema Service

·         Anticoagulation Service


It was explained that Pre Qualification Questionnaires would be advertised on Supply2Health and service specifications would be available at that point. Successful providers would be informed December 2014/January 2015. Service development /mobilisation January – March 2015 and the commencement of new services from 1 April 2015.


Members of the Committee were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:-


  • Councillor Audin referred to a recent Township Forum Meeting that she had attended where Healthy Futures was being discussed. Councillor Audin explained that she had asked a question relating to service provision at certain GP practices and what could be done around standards.


Sharon explained that GP contracts were with NHS England and completely separate from the CCG but it was hoped that if the PF federation were successful with their bid for the Prime Ministers Challenge Fund it would help with looking at minimum standards across all GP practices.


  • Councillor Smith referred to District Nurses and asked where they would fit in with the procurement process.


It was explained that District Nurses would be within the procurement process planned to commence in 2015 as currently there was quite a lot happening within this service and it would also feed into integrated care.


  • Councillor Fitzwalter referred her own experiences with the district nurse service and the fact that it had not been very flexible and did not fit her requirements. Councillor Fitzwalter asked that these issues be reviewed when looking as procuring a service which was fit for purpose and equitable.


It was agreed


1.       That the contents of the presentation be accepted including the

proposed timetable set out.


2.       That Sharon Martin and Howard Hughes be thanked for their presentation


3.       That progress on procurement of the services discussed be reported at a suitable time.