Agenda item


A report from Sam Evans, Executive Director of Finance is attached

Appendix A attached

Appendix B attached

Appendix C attached

Appendix D attached


Sam Evans presented a report providing an update on the work progressed to date and setting out the efforts that are ongoing to embed a culture of good risk management across the Council.


The report was the first iteration of the Council’s Corporate Risk Register, in accordance with the refreshed Risk Management Strategy initially introduced in late 2019. The risks identified are a collation of strategic risks currently present on the departmental “Red Risk” register, together with additional events determined by the Executive Team to pose a threat to the Council’s strategic objectives and service delivery.


A total of 17 risks have been identified as those of a genuine corporate nature and are summarised as follows:

· 17 risks are currently present on the Corporate Risk Register;

· 15 risks are currently rated as Significant (risk score 15-25)

· 2 risks are currently rated as High (risk score 8-12)

· Of these 17 risks:1 has increased in score, 10 have decreased in score and 6 have remained static.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:


·         Councillor Rydeheard referred to the fact that the Corporate Core had the most risks in the authority and asked whether this was common across public bodies.


It was stated that this was common.


·         Councillor Rydeheard asked whether the auditors had found any mitigating factors .


Sam explained that mitigating factors were built into the register and reviewed on a quarterly basis.


·         Councillor Rydeheard asked why 10 risks had decreased and it was explained that they were already on departmental registers.


·         Councillor Rydeheard also asked whether the risk relating to regulatory compliance was on track to be reduced.


Lynne Ridsdale reported that Information Governance training had been carried out and continued to be provided. This covered regulatory compliance.


·         Councillor Gartside referred to Internal Audit findings in relation to Health and Safety and the fact that the report hadn’t been taken to Cabinet yet. He asked when this work would be completed.


Lynne Ridsdale explained that the policy was ready and the Governance has been confirmed. A meeting of the Heath and Safety JCC has been arranged and will consider the draft policy as well as the Annual Report. It was explained that quarterly reports will be produced going forward and an annual review will be carried out. It was also reported that the work relating to Facilities Management was ongoing and the Health and Safety team were working with the Facilities Management Team. The report will be taken to Cabinet in the New Year.


·         Councillor Gartside referred to the Facilities Management Team and asked whether the team members were new staff members or from existing staff.


It was explained that the team were a small team of existing staff with some lower grade staff members helping to support the audit work. The Corporate Health and Safety Team will be reviewed to ensure the best use of existing resources.


·         Councillor Mike Smith referred to security within Council buildings and referred to the last meeting of Council where it had seemed that there was no way of checking the public into the meeting.


It was explained that security staff had been on site and were ensuring that the members of the public present were accompanied to the public areas. There had been a couple of issues with unruly members of the public so extra support staff had been brought in and the situation had been dealt with. There had not been any concerns.


Jacqui Dennis explained that a security review paper was due to be considered at the Democratic Arrangements Forum and will be asking all Councillors for their input. Superintendent Chris Hill has been involved with this work. It was also explained that a review was being undertaken at a GM level and the group whips had been asked to lead and ask for their groups’ input.


Delegated decision:


That the Audit Committee notes the update provided


Supporting documents: