Agenda item


Phil Cole, Head of Homelessness and Housing Options and Jackie Summerscales, Unit Manager of Housing Strategy, Policy and Performance to present report. The report was presented at Overview and Scrutiny on 18 November 2021. Report and appendix attached.


Phil Cole, Head of Homelessness and Housing Options provided a report within the agenda pack that highlights the demands on homelessness. Phil Cole updated the Board on the pressures of homelessness and how his team works collaboratively with others.


It was explained that there are complex factors that contribute to homelessness, such as mental health, addictions and access to health.  Homelessness in increasing, nationally and in Greater Manchester. Bury has seen a 30% increase within the last 12 months in general housing cases, and rough sleeping has increased in the last 3 years by approximately 1400%. It was explained that the pandemic has been good for the service as the government has given extra funding to support rough sleepers. The service now has the resources and capacity to keep rough sleepers off the streets, there was 1 rough sleeper in the borough last week.  The service has been working with emergency accommodation providers, Stepping Stones and supporting accommodation providers, A Bed for Every Night (ABEN) to provide entrenched support. The service also works closely with the GM Housing First programme, who are members of the weekly operational panel for rough sleeping.


Phil Cole highlighted the importance of preventing homelessness and focusing on sustainment, by putting support in place to avoid tenancies failing. The service is working with Six Town Housing to try to develop how they can sustain tenancies better.


It was explained that there is a homelessness hub which works with people who are complex to help sustainable accommodation. The service has strong links with the One Commissioning Organisation (OCO), working with health colleagues.


The homelessness strategy has been renewed by working collaborative with the Homelessness Partnership. A group was set up called ‘Voices for Change’ who have helped co-produce the 7 themes of the strategy.  These themes are linked into an action plan that links into the strategy, which will be delivered by the Homelessness Partnership.


Questions and comments were invited from members.


In a response to a member’s question around mental health support workers, Phil Cole explained that his service will be recruiting a housing mental health worker who will support staff to identifying the signs of mental health and how to sign post people to the correct services.


The service has access to the NHS mental health team and has weekly mental health meetings. Through the rough sleeping funding there is a psychologist and a navigator role, to help to sign post to the correct services.


In response to a member’s question around working with people with lived experiences, Phil Cole gave examples of co-production groups which include people who have had lived experiences and how they bring a different dimensions and ideas to groups.


Tyrone Roberts asked for any concerns or processes that the service may have, to be shared with him, regarding people with no fixed abode who are being discharge from hospital.


In response to a member’s question around connectivity to health services, Phil Cole explained that the weekly meetings with the mental health team are positive, as many stakeholders attend.


In response to a member’s question around homelessness rates increasing, it was explained that previously, the data was not reliable due to not having a focused team. It is thought that the high figures of rough sleepers is down to people coming forward due to the funding offer, the increase has been similar in Greater Manchester and nationally.


In response to a member’s question around the process of moving rough sleepers to a house, it was explained that each case is difference, entrenched rough sleepers need more support, the focus is around the person and not the property. 


In response to a member’s question around charity supporters, it was explained that the service has worked with the Salvation Army, Caritas, Bury Christian Fellowship and Manor House.


In response to a member’s question around sustaining tenancy in private rented accommodation, Phil Cole explained that the sector does not have housing officers or resources to help support tenants and therefore this is a greater challenge. Phil Cole is completing a piece of work to look at getting more private landlords to support people who require social housing. It was explained that Bury’s private rented accommodation offer is small and more expensive than other boroughs.


It was agreed:


1.        Phil Cole to meet with Tyrone Roberts to discuss any concerns around people who are being discharged from hospital who have no fixed abode.


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