A report from the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Growth is attached.
Appendix A - Changes from the Draft Accounts to the Final Accounts
Appendix B - The Final Audited Accounts are attached.
Sam Evans, the Council’s S.151 Officer presented a report setting out the Council’s Statement of Accounts 2020/2021. In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (as amended by the Accounts and Audit (Amendment) Regulations 2021) the Draft Statement of Accounts 2020/21 was signed by the Executive Director for Finance, S151 Officer on 21st July 2021 ahead of the 31 July 2021 deadline. It was explained that the Audit Committee is required to consider and approve the audited accounts before they are published, and publication must take place as soon as reasonably practicable after the audit opinion has been received.
The year-end audit, carried out by the Council’s External Auditors Mazars, commenced on 4th October 2021 and has been substantially concluded at the time of writing this report. This report details the changes made to the Statement of Accounts arising from the findings of the audit to date.
There are a number of adjustments to the Statement of Accounts arising from the findings of the audit. One of these adjustments affected the Outturn reducing the underspend for 2020/21 by £3.341M. The Councils outturn has changed from a £2.538M surplus pre audit to a £0.822M deficit post audit
The updated Statement of Accounts is available at Appendix B The main adjustments to the statements are outlined below, with further details in Appendix 1:
The full details of adjustments to the statements and notes are detailed in Appendix 1.
Unadjusted Audit Differences
Provisions – Sample testing of the provisions identified a provision which should have been reclassified as a reserve. This will be reclassified during 2021/22. This error has been extrapolated across the provisions balance to suggest the value of misstatement may be £1.569M
Gross Expenditure – Sample testing of the expenditure identified an error of £20,000 which was classified as expenditure but should have been classified as a reduction in income. This error has been extrapolated across all expenditure to suggest the value of misstatement may be £0.584M
We have not corrected the accounts on either of these audit differences because:
Statement of Accounts
The Statement of Accounts is a complex document and the layout and information provided are defined by statutory requirements. The key issues that should be drawn to the attention of Committee were presented at its meeting on 20th December 2021. A copy of this is available at Appendix B.
The Members of the Committee were invited to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:
Sam Evans explained that this was a small value in relation to the overall statement of accounts.
Amelia Salford from Mazars explained that the external auditors had looked at a sample around this and were satisfied with the outcome. It was still below the materiality threshold. Amelia suggested that further work could be carried out but it would have to be done from a Council management perspective or through Internal Audit.
Sam Evans reported that the monies had been received and were being used. The full impact of pandemic could yet be fully known.
Sam Evans explained that a different approach had been carried out by both Mazars and the Council and the audit had been extended to dig deeper .
Amelia Salford from Mazars reported that her team had spent longer on the audit due to the issues that had been identified.
Sam Evans reported that an Interim Chief Accountant was due to commence work at the Council and he would be ensuring that all processes were in place to make sure that the issues raised would not happen again and that the documents produced was of the highest standard possible.
Members of the Audit Committee were asked to delegate the approval of the Statement of Accounts to the Chair of the Committee once the outstanding work had been completed.
The Members of the Audit Committee were unable to agree that this be the way forward and asked that this meeting be adjourned to a later date when the Committee could reconvene.
Delegated decision:
That the Meeting be reconvened at the earliest date possible in the new calendar year.
Supporting documents: