Report attached from Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Skills.
Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Children Young People and Skills set out the report which provides an update following the detailed Annual Report on Special Educational Needs and Disabilities(SEND) submitted at the Children and Young Persons’ Scrutiny Committee meeting on the 7th September 2021.
Bury Council and Clinical Commissioning Group are committed to ensuring that all of our children are safe, have the best start in life, fulfil their potential, and are independent; this commitment extends to all, including our children with a disability and/or learning need.
This report sets out a mid-year summary of actions and progress across the SEND provision. A comprehensive SEND annual report will be provided again in the Autumn. A summary of the quarterly update on the Project Safety Valve programme which was submitted to the Department for Education on 1st March 2022 is detailed in Appendix I.
A copy of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Report had been circulated to Members ahead of the meeting and in considering the report and the Cabinet Member’s statement the following comments and issues were raised:
Requests were made for an update on timescales; In response Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Skills advised systemic change is required surrounding SEND and this is improving the experiences of families within the Borough. As an example, Project Safety Valve is a longer-term goal and is looking at a period of 4/5 years to address challenges. However, the way in which we operate on the group will be more imminent. Discussions about the impact of the new Schools on the sufficiency of Project Safety Valve were asked. In response Paul Cooke, Interim Assistant Director of Learning advised plans are in place to support sufficiency especially around the two additional Special Needs School’s which should help needs more effectively and locally. The indicative plan has been devised and will be rolled out over the next 12 months.
Further areas on discussion took place regarding health matters within the report. Questions consisted of the following areas:
Commissioning of services for matters such as ADHD and Autism; in response Jane Case, Bury CCG advised following the pandemic waiting lists have increase, there is a Greater Manchester Group looking at improvements and on a Bury level there is a consideration to reviewing the pathways. Jane Case, Bury CCG also confirmed any changes to outsourcing will be shared with Committee members.
Questions were asked regarding the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). In response members were informed that MASH is the ‘front door’ so all referrals come through that pathway; however pathways behind the MASH has been reviewed to be more efficient.
Additional questions regarding the CAMHS service review and contract length were requested. In response the Committee were advised that the Pennine contract is a block contract and is not up for consideration of a review.
The Committee sought assurances on the Speech Language and Therapy waiting lists. In response Jane Case, Bury CCG advised the impact of COVID has secured additional resources to assist with waiting lists and the service is being reviewed to look at joint commissioning options.
The representative from the Trade Union wished to note the importance of the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) and sees this as useful but the suggested any need for consultants is of concern. In response Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills assured the Committee that pulling expertise in and working to root all workforce within Bury.
Jane Case, Bury CCG left the meeting at 19.30.
Cath Atherden, Service Manager gave the Committee assurance that Schools are being supported to be more inclusive.
The Committee questioned how many Social Workers Bury currently has. In response Jeanette Richards advised that across the whole of Children’s Services we have 156 Social workers, in relation to the Children with Disability Team we have 7 and 3 Family Support Workers. A priority is joining up the system to meet the needs of Children. Councillor Bernstein, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny was asked if he wished to add to the questions received so far. In response he asked how Bury Council’s total of Social Workers benchmark against our statistical neighbour Authorities. The Committee were informed we do require more Social Workers and we are reducing case loads to recognise that the officers need time to develop relationships to support proactive change. Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Children and Young advised that whilst recruitment is essential so is retention and understanding Social Worker’s needs.
Discussions regarding Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP) took place. In response Isobel Booler advised we hold many plans which must be reviewed annually, and the shrinking workforce does cause issues. Assessment processes are being revised but following this the review process will take place.
Questions regarding the access to free places for up to two-year-olds took place, in particularly in the Prestwich area as this is relatively low. In response Isobel Booler advised that it is part of some targeted work, and to provide the Committee with information following the meeting regarding the specific work that is being done currently.
Questions took place regarding the SEND report and the third sector contractors. Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills requested that this concern be taken outside of this Committee and look at any concerns raised.
It was suggested that the item ‘update report on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) be extended and to defer the following item on the ‘Children and Young People Improvement Plan Update’.
The Committee sought assurances on the types of Schools that will be available. In response Paul Cooke Interim Director advised that the new School due for completion in 2023 will specifically look to cater to the needs of Children who are high achievers but find the current school provision difficult due to many varying reasons. Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills admitted that language is certainly an area for development. The Committee were assured the Inclusion Ambassador post is being re-recruited to and will sit within the Youth Participation Team with a specific SEND focus.
Alyson from Chesham School posed questions and statements to the Committee regarding reasonable adjustments, accessibility, seeking disclosure, accessibility, and analysis of staffing equality characteristics.
Councillor Tariq thanked the Chair, Councillor Wright for his leadership of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee and to highlight this Committee is relatively new and that he has really valued the Committee input and praised that Committee Members for the work over the last year.
It was agreed:
1. That the following item be deferred to allow for an extension within the current item
2. Isobel Booler to discuss concerns raised by Councillor Lancaster outside of the Committee.
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