A report from the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Growth to Cabinet on 17 November 2021 and extract of the minutes of that meeting are attached.
Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance and Growth, presented the report regarding the recent successful bids to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund and the benefit to Bury from the recent submission by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement, which was considered by Cabinet
on 17 November 2021.
Members discussed the report and, in response to Members’ questions, the following was noted:
· We’re on track with milestones to spend the Levelling Up monies and all design, development, and planning was moving forwards. Guidance had recently been received from the Levelling Up Fund team with reporting mechanisms for us. An inception meeting was taking place later in the month to go through the spend forecast, after that more detail will be available on the drawn-down mechanism for funds.
· With regards to the Market Chambers building, the current plan was based on a phased approach but had not been agreed with Vinci, so when Market Chambers would be started was not confirmed. It was agreed that a high level dashboard summary of the project milestones and financials would be shared.
· A dedicated localised team was in place to oversee the project, and capacity and management was being secured.
· With regards to public consultation, it was noted that details had not been agreed. Officers would work with Vinci to ensure what is ultimately put in the public domain is comprehensive, well costed, and meaningful. The aim was to bring consultation proposals to either this Committee or the Delivery Board to ensure it was pitched correctly, with the right questions and going on for the right amount of time. It was noted this would take place early in new year.
· Legal officers would reviewing the agreement in place with regards to the Carnegie building being gifted to the people of Radcliffe.
· The library would be part of the wider consultation taking place in the new year. Officers were working closely with library colleagues to ensure they were fully informed and able to help any residents who come in so they can engage and have a say in their library services.
· It was noted that the LUF bid endured the library building was safeguarded as a heritage asset and evidenced a broad spectrum of support for local people. The proposed enterprise centre was one aspect of that support and sought to draw people in to contribute back into the town, rather than shutting people out, and would have facilities to be shared with services based in the Hub.
· With regards to having a ‘tick list’ to stay on track, officers advised there was a comprehensive Gantt chart for the project and confirmed that we were on track with this. It was agreed that a high level roadmap would be developed and shared to demonstrate where we are up to against where we said we’d be.
· A range of engagement events were being worked up and were likely to begin in the new year. The aim was to bring these proposals to either this Committee or the Delivery Board in the new year alongside consultation details.
· With regards to the People and Community Plan, this was more progressed. An early version was due to go to the Delivery Board and to Cabinet as soon as possible.
· Estimated costs for the basement in the Market would only be available after design work had been completed. It was noted this was likely to be costly, but this was the only space of this size and scale and offered other benefits with its location and proposed proximity to other services.
It was agreed:
1. A high level dashboard summary of the project milestones and financials be shared with Members;
2. Consultation proposals be brought to either this Committee or the Delivery Board early in new year;
3. A high level roadmap be developed and shared to demonstrate where we are up to against where we said we’d be; and
4. The report be noted.
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