Report attached from Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.
Linda Evans, Interim Director of Social Care Practice provided an overview of the progress on the Children’s Services Improvement Plan that was put in place in response to the findings of the Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services that was carried out by Ofsted between 25 October 2021 to 5 November 2021 and judged services to be Inadequate. The Inspection report was published on 17 December 2021. In addition, Linda Evans provided an update on the progress review of Bury Children’s Services from the Department for Education that took place on 25 May and 26 May 2022 and the Ofsted Monitoring visit that took place on the 21 and 22 June 2022.
Progress of the Children’s services Improvement Plan will continue to be monitored at the monthly Children’s Improvement Board chaired by an Independent Chair, Linda Clegg.
Linda Evans advised that findings from the Ofsted Monitoring visit that took place on 21 and 22 June 2022 have been considered in the improvement plan and a further Ofsted monitoring visit is expected in October 2022. The focus of the visit will be child protection planning, children subject to Public Law Outline and the impact of managers and leaders.
Councillor McBriar asked what plans are in place to improve our arrangements when children transfer from one social care team to another. In response Linda Evans advised there are arrangements in place on how we manage children’s transfers and what needs improving is communication to ensure the child and families experience is a positive one. In addition, questions were asked regarding the delays young people transferring to adult social care were facing. The Committee were advised that a review is underway.
The Committee sought assurances on what has been done to improve staff knowledge of our vision for Children’s Services. In response Jeanette Richards, Executive Director for Children and Young People assured the Committee that communications and engagement for the department has been improved through email briefings, team engagement sessions, and ensuring a copy of the infographic of the Improvement Plan around the buildings.
A member of the Committee questioned the current caseload figures for social workers currently. In response Linda Evans advised there is a constant focus on recruitment and retention of Social Workers. Whilst the aspiration of caseloads for Bury per Social Worker would be 15, as of today some social workers loads are too high with the highest being 32. In response two additional agency social workers will be starting to reduce this figure.
In response to a question regarding the LGA Peer Review, Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People assured the Committee the Peer Review will take place towards the end of the year and once results are available, they will be made available to the Committee.
Helen Chadwick, Union Representative questioned if the Council plan to provide forward-facing staff at 3 Knowsley Place. In response Jeanette Richards, Executive Director for Children and Young People advised the message to the public is that the service is open to the public to visit in person, this includes the Victoria Children’s Centre and New Kershaw Centre have reception staff.
Councillor Pilkington questioned the relationship with the Police in relation to the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub and the Improvement Plan. In response Councillor Smith stated the service is running and has received good reviews from Ofsted. In addition, Jeanette Richards, Executive Director stated that governance arrangements have improved but like many Public Services there are resourcing issues for the teams. In assurance to the Committee Jeanette Richards advised that she meets monthly with the Divisional Commander.
In summary Councillor Boles asked, following the DfE Review which states Political Leaders are not getting involved in operational decisions and distinguishing their role in relation to the Scrutiny and Challenge, what does this now mean in day-to-day practice. In response Councillor Smith advised she sees her role as Cabinet Member for Children and Young People as a dual role for strategic political leadership. Jeanette Richards, Executive Director advised that the upcoming LGA will focus on Corporate Parenting duties.
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