Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

The attached presentation to be presented by Helen Smith, Head of Strategic Performance and Intelligence.


Lesley Jones reported that the outcome indicators that were selected for the Health and Wellbeing Board are key contributors to life expectancy and highlighted that there are lots of indicators driven by health and care but also wider determinants of health.


Helen Smith, Head of Strategic Performance and Intelligence provided the Board with an update around the progress of the health and wellbeing dashboard. New indicators have been added to the dashboard as per the NHS Operational Planning Guidance, and that in the future they plan to incorporate an inequalities drill down. Helen Smith shared a PowerPoint presentation and provided a summary of each indicator and an overview of the data. The indicators that were discussed were cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, mental health, stroke, diabetes, chronic respiratory, chronic kidney disease, musculoskeletal (MSK) and maternal and child health.


Lesley Jones highlighted that in terms of CVD, there is a real focus to improve the impact on primary and secondary care with an approval through Cabinet being made for £550k to invest in neighbourhood teams. The work completed around CVD will have a positive impact around strokes.


Lesley Jones informed members that there is a whole programme of works taking place in Bury around diabetes and that there will be a paper at the next Health and Wellbeing Board around the cancer work.


Lesley Jones reported that Adrian Crook, Director of Adult Social Care is leading on a piece of work around mental health and Jon Hobday in leading on the Suicide Prevention Group.


Penny Martin provided an update around frailty, where a trial took place at the hospital to create a designated area with a multi-disciplinary team to look at frailty cases rather than patients going through A&E. Penny reported that last week, 38 patients went through the trial with only 8 patients being admitted into hospital. Penny advised that the NCA would like to link the work with the virtual hospitals and will be going live with this way of working as of next week.


Lesley Jones advised of a piece of work being done through the Family Hubs which will look at a safety equipment loan scheme which will relate to the maternal and child health outcome indicator.


In response to a question from Councillor Tariq around working collaboratively, Lesley Jones suggested that at the next Health and Wellbeing Board meeting work can be showcased around a deeper level of collaboration. Lesley Jones highlighted the lessons learned from the pandemic including a deeper level of community engagement and co-production. Helen Smith reported that integrated data is being collated across the council and advised of a data management strategy, Helen explained that she doesn’t want to lose the collaborative way of working that was achieved throughout the pandemic.


Councillor Brown questioned the significant drop in the data around diabetes and chronic respiratory issues in children under the age of 19. 


It was agreed:


1.          Lesley Jones and Helen Smith to look at the data around the significant drop in cases for diabetes and Chronic Respiratory issues.

2.          To invite Collaborate Out Loud to the next Board meeting to showcase their work.

3.          To have a report on the Cancer work at the next Health and Wellbeing Board meeting.


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