Agenda item

Regeneration Update

A.        Sir Howard Bernstein will be in attendance to answer any questions from members of Committee in relation to the work he is supporting regarding Radcliffe regeneration.


B.        Councillor O’Brien, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth and Skills will present an overview of regeneration in the Borough at the meeting.


Attached are four reports:


·         Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan

·         Prestwich Town Centre

·         Bury Business Improvement District (BID)

·         Radcliffe Strategic Regeneration Framework



It was agreed that this item will be split into two sections.


Part A: Sir Howard Bernstein provided an overview in relation to the work he is supporting regarding Radcliffe Regeneration.


Sir Howard advised the Committee that a strong and robust management team in place and have an engaged contractor onboard who is engaged with the work programme.


Areas highlighted as having potential concerns are firstly transport and secondly the department of education delivering a national procurement programme to open the new School in the required timescales.


With regards to transport, Greater Manchester have backed our scheme and they supported the bid that went into central Government, and we have now had confirmation that £9 Million has been earmarked for Radcliffe. In addition, Sir Howard assured Committee Members that work has been done to support the department for Education to deliver the schemes that will ensure the school is delivered in timescales needed.


Finally, Sir Howard advised the People and Communities strategy may be a piece of work the Committee want to review in the future.


In addition, Councillor O’Brien provided a brief overview of the work undertaken as part of the Radcliffe Regeneration Scheme and gave thanks to officers and local members for their support and work so far undertaken.


Discussions took place regarding the Parking Strategy recently developed by WSP Ltd. In assurance to the Committee the Leader advised this work can be viewed and is a report that will be shared with elected members following the meeting. Further questions took place regarding the parking in Radcliffe, and when this will be considered considering the building of the Radcliffe Hub.


The Committee were reassured that a project board, details such as transport and contractual restrictions are in place to increase the likelihood of the School being delivered by September 2024.


Part B: Councillor O’Brien provided an overview of Ramsbottom Town Centre Plan, Prestwich Town Centre and Bury Business Improvement District (BID).


Ramsbottom plan sets out a series of high-level proposals and concepts that look to enhance the town centre for local residents, the business community and visitors. Proposals include creating quality workspace in the heart of the town, as well as identifying opportunities for improvements to the built environment, public realm and active travel routes.


Prestwich: The Council and Muse Developments Ltd have agreed to form the Prestwich Regeneration LLP to bring forward a multi-phase, mixed use regeneration scheme. It will comprise a Community Hub accommodating Council services (library, adult learning and community / well-being space) and Public Sector partners. In addition, there is an opportunity to deliver a market (food and beverage), retail space for established independent traders, residential apartment buildings, town houses and a green travel hub / multi storey car park.


Bury BID: The model will help to deliver the Council’s ambitions for Bury town centre and the town centre businesses, it will create a strong/effective partnership approach and be complimentary to the regeneration and development work of the Council, particularly linking to the implementation of the Bury Town Centre Masterplan and the emerging Economic Development Strategy that will support inclusive economic growth.


A member sought assurances on how partnerships will shape the regeneration work and how it will continue. In response Councillor O’Brien advised partnership working is a key priority and some of the partnership relations included are transport providers including Transport for Greater Manchester, Housing Partners and Health services. In assurance to members Cllr O’Brien advised the detail of the Health partnerships will be evidenced though ensuring new services such as leisure and health providers will be suitable and accessible to residents.


Discussions took place regarding the spaces each township will have for business units. In conclusion members were advised feasibility work is taking place but there is enough demand for each place in the Borough and commercial assessments are taking place to ensure the product is fit for purpose for each area. In addition, the business support team and the growth hub will be involved in discussions to support businesses in these units to put packages of support in place for businesses.


Assurances were sought regarding not pricing local and independent businesses out the market. In response Councillor O’Brien did assure the Committee that the strength of Prestwich is its local offer and is successful for smaller scale single unit businesses.


Further discussions took place regarding Social Value and an overarching Strategy will be brough forward in the near future.


Discussions took place regarding health promotion and illness prevention and how this will be included in regeneration plans.


The Leader was asked if we are confident that we have the skills in Bury to deliver on regeneration. In response Councillor O’Brien advised the varying sectors, such as the digital offer is being worked on to promote digital inclusion, skills and education.


The Committee questioned the transportation required to engage all other area’s together with the opportunities the regeneration work will offer, for example Whitefield. In response Cllr O’Brien advised that Whitefield has been designated for the high street task force.


Discussions took place regarding the metrolink and linking up with Ramsbottom. In response Councillor O’Brien advised this has been of keen interest to Rossendale but there are still many considerations that need to be discussed prior any decisions are made.


It was agreed:


1.    The Chair thanked Sir Howard Bernstein, Councillor O’Brien and all officers for their attendance and engagement with the Committee.


Supporting documents: