Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director (Operations) is attached.


The Executive Director (Operations) submitted a report advising Members on operational issues within the Licensing Service.


The report set out updates in respect of the following issues:


The Licensing Service had dealt with a number of compliance and

enforcement matters between the 22nd August and the 13th November 2022.


Compliance Visit to Gambling Premise


On the 30 August 2022, officers from the Public Protection Service carried out

a compliance inspection with the Gambling Commission. A number of issues

were identified and details included in the report pack.




On the 26th July 2022, an appeal against the decision of the Licensing and

Safety Committee in respect of a revocation of a Private Hire Drivers Licence

was considered by Stockport Magistrates Court. The magistrates upheld the

decision of the council, stating that the driving was well below the acceptable

standard, most especially for a professional driver. The appellant was ordered

to pay a contribution to the council’s costs in the sum of £1,200.


Delegations to Officers

Following the decision of this Committee delegating to officers the power to

issue warning letters, as of the 28th October 2022, thirteen warning letters have

been issued following consideration by the Licensing Unit Manager.




Following a request from Transport for Greater Manchester, on the 9th

September 2022 the Licensing Service had sent emails out to all licensed

drivers, private hire operators and trade associations regarding a survey that

was being conducted. The content of the email was included in the report pack.




Officers of the Licensing Service were scheduled to undertake a partnership

operation on the 16th September 2022 with Greater Manchester Police, it was

agreed with the Head of Public Protection and Greater Manchester Police that

the operation would be cancelled due to the death of her Majesty Queen

Elizabeth II.




On the 9th or 10th August 2022, Greater Manchester Police requested that the

Premises Licence holder/Designated Premises Supervisor of Hidden Bar

voluntary closed the Hidden Bar, Unit B, 24 Silver Street, Bury, BL9 0DH

following an incident at the premises. The premises agreed to the request of

Greater Manchester Police.




On the 12th September 2022, Greater Manchester Police submitted an

application to the Licensing Authority for a Summary Review in respect of the

Hidden Bar, Unit B, 24 Silver Street, Bury, BL9 0DH because they believed that

the premises were associated with Serious Crime and/or Serious Disorder.


On the 14th September 2022 a Licensing Hearings Sub Committee interim steps hearing was held, following receipt of the Summary Review application from GMP, Members of the Licensing and Safety Panel considered whether interim measures should be taken in respect of the Premises Licence for the purpose of promoting the Licensing Objectives.  The Sub-Committee resolved that in order to promote the said licensing objectives, it was necessary to impose interim steps and that it must suspend the premises licence immediately.


The full review was considered at a meeting of the Licensing Hearings Sub-Committee on the 6th October 2022, where the members gave consideration to this matter.

The Sub-Committee carefully considered all of the representations and evidence produced and therefore unanimously resolved to revoke the premises licence immediately in orderto promote the licensing objectives.


The licensing authority accepted all the evidence provided by GMP which included various discussions and letters that had been issued to the venue without any improvements and this led to the incident on the 10th September occurring.


The interim steps of the suspension of the licence are to remain in place until the end of the period provided for appeal against the decision, or if the decision is appealed against, the time the appeal is disposed of. It was appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives that the interim steps remain in place.





The Licensing Service had been working with the Transformation Department

on the development of the following:-


·         Online booking of vehicle compliance tests at Bradley Fold

·         Online ability to report a driver change of address of a Private Hire/Hackney carriage driver

·         Online ability to report an accident involving a Private Hire/Hackney vehicle

·         Online ability to report a conviction for a Private Hire/Hackney carriage driver


With the exception of the online booking of vehicle compliance tests, all other matters are available online.




A trade liaison meeting was scheduled to take place on the 12 September 2022,

however due to the passing of HM the Queen it was cancelled. The Licensing

Service have rescheduled the meeting for the 12 October 2022. The meeting

took place and the minutes of the meeting are available on the Council’s





A training video had been produced and was currently being finalised by

Communication Team. This will compliment the Licensed Premises Women’s

Safety Charter alongside other support material to enable businesses who sign

up to meet their pledge.


A web form and new Council Web pages are currently being finalised and once

in place a communication plan developed to facilitate a launch for the Licensed

Premises Women’s Safety Charter.


The Licensing Unit Manager and Councillor Morris attended the Pubwatch

meeting to inform the group of the proposed Women’s Charter. It was agreed

that further engagement would take place with the group before the Charter is





The BDSI consultation ran from the 19 June 2022 – 9 August 2022. The

licensing service are working with GMP to coordinate the formulation of a Bury

Driver Safety Initiative which will include a campaign, support material and

promotional material. Views on the proposals will also be sought from trade

representatives at the next trade liaison meeting due to take place on



A meeting was held with GMP to discuss the findings of the consultation and  a

script being developed for a digital training video for drivers. Further updates

will be provided to members




Officers from the Public Protection Service took part in this operation on the 21st

September in partnership with GMP and the results revealed 73 vehicles in total

were stopped at the site with the full list of offences dealt with included in the

agenda report pack.




The Licensing Service had suspended 1 Hackney Carriage and 4 Private Hire

Drivers Licence up to the 7th November 2022 for failure to provide a medical

certificate within 4 weeks of it being requested.




An email was sent out to all licensed drivers, vehicle owners, operators and

trade representatives on the 26th October 2022 with an update regarding

charging points for electric vehicles. New Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

points are to be installed and will be dedicated for EV Taxi and private hire

vehicles licensed by a Greater Manchester Authority.


Councillor Rydeheard enquired about the partnership operation with GMP that

had been cancelled in September and when would this be rescheduled. Mr

Bridge would make enquiries and provide the information once known.


Councillor Rydeheard also asked about charging points fitting into the environmental plans and Mr Bridge reported that there was a TFGM officer within the Council which deals with the clean air agenda and any schemes put forward would be communicated with the trade.


It was agreed:


That the report be noted.


Supporting documents: