Agenda item

Places for Everyone: A Joint Development Plan Document for 9 Greater Manchester Local Authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan) - Proposed Modifications Consultation

Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth is attached.


Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth, presented the report which updated Members on the progress of Places for Everyone Plan: A Joint Development Plan Document for nine Greater Manchester Local Authorities (PfE) and sought approval to consult on proposed modifications to the Plan. It was noted that the alternative option was to not approve the proposed modifications for consultation, and that the final decision on the Plan would come to Full Council in due course.


Councillor Dene Vernon, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, confirmed that Scrutiny had met to review the report and had an informative and wide ranging discussion. This had included opportunity for public to ask questions and express their viewpoints. Assurances were given that Greater Manchester Ecology Unit had provided expert witnesses and that consultation feedback would go back to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration. The Scrutiny Committee noted the Council agreement for Cross Party Group to look at a Local Plan and agreed for this to be expedited.


Members discussed the report, including the following points:

  • Members noted the advantage it would give in securing highly skilled jobs and apprenticeships and transport links to those sites, and the serious need for new and affordable housing stock to enable more people to own their own home.


  • It was noted that recreation sites like playing pitches were protected, so if any were identified for development sites they would be replaced on a like-for-like basis.


  • The cost of the process was born collaboratively by the 9 Local Authorities, and this work and those costs would still be required if Bury were developing its own Local Plan.


  • It was understood that Stockport had received applications for developments on Green Field land, one of which had gone to appeal. The Leader noted the need to be proportionate about risk, but confirmed that not having a Plan put sites at risk, including those in Green Belt, and adopting this Plan would enable the Council to redirect developers to more appropriate sites.


  • It was noted that, while Government targets were not mandatory, written guidance stated they were a ‘minimum’ and previous submissions had been rejected for not being ambitious enough. The report on the agenda today was regarding modifications to the Plan, but in theory a Full Council decision could be taken at any time to pull out of PfE. That, however, would put Bury in a worse position in protecting sites as PfE had enabled Bury to shift a significant proportion of the housing allocation to other boroughs.


  • Councillor Morris expressed her disappointment that Walshaw was not removed from the Plan but advised that she still supported the Plan overall and would continue to lobby for Walshaw to be removed. It was noted that the additional housing site identified was still included in Bury’s allocation but that the overall allocation was still lower than it would be outside of PfE.


  • Finally, assurances were given that the consultation would be in accordance with the Gunning Principles, with evidence that the Planning Inspectorate listened to the public’s feedback.




1.    Noted progress made in respect of the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan;

2.    Agree that the modifications to Places for Everyone (Main, Additional and those relating to the policies map), and associated supporting background documents be subject to a period of representations for a period of 8 weeks commencing no earlier than 9 October 2023; and

3.    Agree the next steps for the production of Places for Everyone (section 15).


Reasons for the decision:

To ensure continued progress towards the adoption of the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan as a key part of Bury’s statutory development plan.


Other options considered and rejected:

To not approve the proposed modifications for consultation and to withdraw from Places for Everyone. However, this option is rejected on the basis that the Council would be unable to benefit from this opportunity to meet its statutory requirement to have an up to date development plan in place in the short-term. This would leave the Borough open to speculative and unplanned development with insufficient supporting infrastructure. Furthermore, as a joint plan of nine Greater Manchester districts, Places for Everyone has allowed for the redistribution of housing needs across the Plan area. As a result, Bury’s housing target in the Plan is over 2,300 (24%) less than what would be required outside of the joint plan process using the Government’s standard methodology. Therefore, withdrawing from Places for Everyone to pursue an alternative plan could result in Bury requiring a higher housing target and lead to the need for more Green Belt release.

Supporting documents: