Agenda item


Adam Webb, Chief Operating Officer, Healthwatch Bury CIC to provide an update. Reports attached.


Ruth Passman, Chair of Healthwatch provided a presentation to the Health Scrutiny Committee. Health Watch is now 10 years old and their core function is to reflect and generate feedback on the services and ensuring local voices are hears and acted upon. Key highlights are highlighted throughout the presentation.


Ruth Passman, Chair, Bury Healthwatch opened to questions from members.


Councillor Lancaster asked a question regarding the highlighted key issues of:

·         accessing NHS dentist

·         Food banks

·         Asylum seekers and refugees


In response Ruth Passman, Bury Healthwatch Chair advised she is not fully aware however, Dentistry is a major concern currently and meetings have taken place to start to look at the NHS contract and commissioning in various areas. In terms of food banks it has two factors issue if you search for food banks Healthwatch comes up so they receive a large amount of queries. In relation to asylum seekers and refugees it relates to a fact that Healthwatch held a weekly session with up to 60 people attending and GP access is a large issue and a mystery shopper exercise with GP surgeries and around 70% gave incorrect advice about entitlement to GP care services as you do not require an ID to register or due to immigration status.


In addition Adrian Crook, Director of Community Commissioning provided reassurance to the Committee advising that the Committee have previously had a presentation from Ben Squires from Greater Manchester and previously dentistry was wholly commissioned by NHS England and now in Greater Manchester we receive a degree of delegation from the Devolution deal and not the Integrated Care System (ICS) has been able to make changes to the contract. Now on google via find a dentist you put your postcode in and there is more capacity available now thanks to the ICS. In relation to people who are homeless or seeking asylum if there are any residents and primary care team will remind local GP’s of their obligations.


Councillor Lancaster asked for clarity of the top three highlight points and if the data can be made available on what the helpline issues are.


In addition Councillor Lancaster asked who are the services of Healthwatch aimed for and where are the services advertised. In responses members were advised they are provided across a range of social media and they are for all. Healthwatch want to raise awareness and work out of the townships and will widen out the pilot to everyone. 


Councillor Rizvi asked about charges for asylum seekers for primary care.  In response Ruth Passman, advised the mystery shopper exercise did highlight issues the British medical association and the do encourage transparency regarding this.


Councillor Boles advised the consultation with Children and Young People is welcomed and asked for thoughts on expanding further to primary school children. In response members were informed Healthwatch would be keen to engage with schools to gather information however some vulnerable children feel cautious is certain settings and safeguarding would need to be taken into account.


In addition Councillor Boles asked what assurances can be given to the Committee that the voice of Children and Young People as a whole will be heard and reflective of the community of Bury as a whole. In response Ruth Passman advised she will take this back and feed into Healthwatch’s work.


A discussion took place regarding ways Healthwatch can raise concerns if trend and reports show there may be issues with any service.


Councillor FitzGerald, Chair sought assurances on the funding for Healthwatch. In response members were informed that Healthwatch Bury is solely funded by Bury Council. Adrian Crook, Director of Community Commissioning advised Bury received a small grant from the Government which is a statutory requirement under the Health and Social Care Act. Bury Council does proportionate contract monitoring to ensure value for money. Bury believes we have good engagement around projects and welcome health watch identifying their own projects. The organisation of Healthwatch is clearly defined in law and is an independent board we therefore cannot influence them.


Councillor Tariq wished to note that there is a national report on funding and over the next two to three years there are Healthwatch’s that are not going to be able to sustain the level of delivery. There is now a new relationship with the Integrated Commissioning Service, a Greater Manchester Healthwatch network and a Greater Manchester chief co-ordinating officer employed to pull together Greater Manchester networks.


Warren Heppolette, NHS Greater Manchester, when NHS Greater Manchester was established it was noted there will be a value in a relationship with Healthwatch to deliver and deepen access to patient experience and insight. The ten local authorities are able to combine efforts to tackle systemic issues across the board, such as Dentistry and Children and Young People’s Mental health through a collaborative model.


Ruth Passman, Healthwatch Bury added that Bury will be hosting the Greater Manchester Board in Bury.


It was agreed:


1.    Members note the update.


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