Agenda item

SEND Development Plan

Report attached.


Councillor Smith provided an overview of the SEND Development Plan. The plan has been co-produced with our strategic partners and is under constant review. The service has progressed in co-producing a framework, quality assurance and co-production of a local offer. In addition Bury Council has requested the LGA to do a mini inspection which has provided great insight.


Members were invited to ask questions.


Councillor Whitby sought assurances concerning a news report that the Government had signed regarding 20% cuts to the number of new education health and care plans to children and Councils that have signed up. In response Councillor Smith advised we are not one of the Councils who are signed up to this project, however Bury Council is part of Project Safety Valve as Bury Council’s high needs block was much higher than others. Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills advised Bury Council has entered into an agreement to eradicate the high needs deficit and this is challenging. It does not have any specific reduction costs or targets within it. The strategy has included maximising income with the schools forum and through the NHS, every spend in the DSG has been reviewed and Bury is confident we are only spending the high needs block on SEND. Bury Council has also reduced unit costs and improving practice such as EHCP banding in mainstream schools. Furthermore Bury has reviewed commissioning of out of borough placings and to give a better service, meet need earlier and identify need earlier because Bury Council issues the 5th highest number of EHC plans in the country and held a compliance rate at national which has now improved to 70% which is above national which does drive the expenditure.


Councillor McBriar sought assurances on the education restructures. Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People advised the plan is a working document and updates are received fortnightly and will return to provide progress updates. In addition Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills advised the outreach service is starting recruitment and signposting schools to outreach services.


Councillor Frith sought assurances on how the backlog of assessments and knowing children’s need assessment daily is it prioritised. In response Councillor Smith advised there is a large surge of EHCP which is only one form of support. In terms of the back log of assessments we are compliant  with when EHCP’s should be produced. Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills advised we have a strict statutory timeline but some cases do go on longer, we currently have 151 plans in progress and is the smallest number in over a year and all times we are trying to improve the experience.


Councillor Green reflected that Bury has looked to change processes and assessment is not considered necessary, the message coming through from parents is that those expectations are not being managed properly as no context has been given. In addition parents reported feeling overwhelmed with jargon and parents do not fully understand. In response Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People advised that the Council is trying to meet need at an appropriate level. If this has not been communicated well work needs to be done.


Councillor Green added that there may be a scenario where a child needs support but the support may be provided by another authority. Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People advised it is prevalent and being within the borough is much better and we are trying to get in borough support available.


Councillor Rydeheard sought assurances regarding the focus on emotional based school avoidance (EBSA) and the pathway. In response Councillor Smith advised that EBSA is being reported as the biggest reason for absence from school. Isobel Booler, advised it is national issue and has been exacerbated through covid and can see that in persistent absence and we now have an ESBA pathway. 


Councillor Whitby sought assurances regarding the SEND-Co’s refrigeration of the networks.  Isobel Booler Director of Education and Skills advised that the SEND Co’s she has spoken with have positively received the network, and offers a bigger training offer. Councillor Smith, Cabinet Member advised attendance has been quite high and at the last Head Teacher’s conference addressed this. In supplementary Councillor Whitby questioned if the council is monitoring to ensure when SEND Co’s are appointed they are being brought into this training programme. Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills advised  attendance records and closer working between school policy standards team and the SEND team.


Councillor Ryder sought assurances on the recruitment of permanent staff for the EHCP Team. In response Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills advised there have been interviews today but there is no results yet. It is likely we will still have an agency worker for tribunals.  In addition Councillor Boles asked why are we finding it challenging to recruit. In response Isobel Booler, Director of Education and Skills advised we now only have two agency workers and have increased capacity within the team.


Councillor Boles invited comments of the proposed task and finish group following concerns often raised at the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committees. A proposed scheduled was outlined to members.


In response Councillor Green advised that SEND issues make up a large percentage of Councillor casework and it would be welcomed if more training and visits to the teams could be widened to all Councillors.  Councillor Booth advised that task and finish group is a good thing to do and would like to be put forward to go onto the group. Councillor Berry questioned if a lay person could be on this group, in response Councillor Boles advised that the task and finish group will meet with parents and carers to provide evidence at one of the meetings.


Members who wish to be on the Task and Finish Group are:

·         Councillor Booth

·         Councillor Farooq

·         Councillor Frith

·         Councillor McBriar

·         Councillor Boles


It was agreed:


1.    The task and finish group to be established

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