Agenda item


To receive and consider the recommendations to the Council contained in the following minutes of:





Cabinet – 5th October 2023

Youth Justice Plan

Cabinet commended the adoption of the Youth Justice Plan to Council

Licensing and Safety Committee

19th October 2023

Proposed Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Policy Revisions following Public Consultation


Full Council is requested to adopt the proposals following the decision of the Licensing and Safety Committee on the 19 October 2023 and confirm the delegated authority to amend the implementation date of any of these standards to the Head of Public Protection in conjunction with the Chair of Licensing & Safety Committee. Any changes to the amendment dates would be reported to the Licensing & Safety Committee.

Audit Committee

12th October 2023

· Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy

· Fraud and Corruption Prosecution Policy

· Whistleblowing Policy

· Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

· Anti- Money Laundering Policy



The updated suite of policies, as presented to Audit be approved and included in the Council’s Constitution.  (See links to Audit papers below).



Democratic Arrangements Forum – 2nd November 2023

Changes to the Constitution 

Council to approve the following amendments to the Council Procedure rules:

Invite CA appointed representatives on a rotational basis to present an update on their area of responsibility.  Allowing 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes for verbal questions.

10 minutes for all other questions to the CA.


The GM Mayor will attend once a year a meeting of Full Council.


Youth Cabinet to submit, once a year, a Notice of Motion.  This notice of motion will be the first item on the agenda following public question time.


Amendments to the timings for speakers:

State of the Borough – Opposition group Leaders have a right of reply 5 minutes

Leaders statement - Opposition Group Leaders 2 minutes right of reply and a question.


Cabinet – 7th November 2023

Mid-Year Treasury Management Report

Council approves the mid-year treasury management report.

Employment Panel – 16th November 2023

Establishment of Post

Employment Panel – 20th Nov 2023



Council is recommended:

1.    Agree the termination of the Council’s joint financial leadership arrangements with NHS Greater Manchester and the disestablishment of the post of Joint Executive Director of Finance, Chief Officer Band H (£127,377 - £139,067).


2.    Agree the establishment of a new role of Executive Director (Finance) evaluated at Chief Officer Band H (£127,377 - £139,067) and that this post be designated as the Council’s statutory Section 151 Officer


3.    Agree the recommendation from Employment Panel that Paul McKevit is appointed to the role of Interim Executive Director (Finance), Section 151 Officer  with immediate effect for an initial period of six months, with the ability to agree a further six month extension delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs & HR and Cabinet Member for Finance and Communities.


4.    Note the deletion of the role of Director of Housing Chief Officer Band F (£103,767 - £112,636).


5.    Agree the establishment of the post of Director of Housing Operations evaluated at Chief Officer Band F (£103,767 - £112,636).


Audit Papers:


Meeting of Cabinet 5th October 2023 – Youth Justice Plan


It was moved by Councillor L Smith and seconded by Councillor Thorpe and it was agreed

Council adopts the Youth Justice Plan.

Licensing and Safety Committee 19th October 2023 – Proposed Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy Revisions following public consultation.


It was moved by Councillor McGill and seconded by Councillor Morris and it was agreed

Following the decision of the Licensing and Safety Committee on the 19 October 2023, Full Council adopt the proposals and confirm the delegated authority to amend the implementation date of any of these standards to the Head of Public Protection in conjunction with the Chair of Licensing & Safety Committee. Any changes to the amendment dates would be reported to the Licensing & Safety Committee.

Audit Committee 12th October 2023 – Suite of revised Policies as detailed in the Summons


It was moved by Councillor Whitby and seconded by Councillor Rafiq and it was agreed

The updated suite of policies, as presented to Audit Committee be approved and included in the Council’s Constitution. 

Democratic Arrangements Forum 2nd November 2023 – Changes to the Constitution


It was moved by Councillor O’Brien and seconded by Councillor Bernstein and it was agreed

Council approves the following amendments to the Council Procedure rules:

Invite CA appointed representatives on a rotational basis to present an update on their area of responsibility.  Allowing 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes for verbal questions.

10 minutes for all other questions to the CA.


The GM Mayor will attend once a year a meeting of Full Council.


Youth Cabinet to submit, once a year, a Notice of Motion.  This notice of motion will be the first item on the agenda following public question time.


Amendments to the timings for speakers:

State of the Borough – Opposition group Leaders have a right of reply 5 minutes

Leaders statement - Opposition Group Leaders 2 minutes right of reply and a question.


Cabinet 7th November 2023 - Mid-Year Treasury Management Report


It was moved by Councillor Gold and seconded by Councillor O’Brien and it was agreed

Council approves the mid-year treasury management report.

Employment Panel 16th November and 20th November 2023 – Establishment of a post and appointment of the Council’s Section 151 Officer


It was moved by Councillor Rafiq and seconded by Councillor Gold and it was agreed

Council is recommended:

1.    Agree the termination of the Council’s joint financial leadership arrangements with NHS Greater Manchester and the disestablishment of the post of Joint Executive Director of Finance, Chief Officer Band H (£127,377 - £139,067).


2.    Agree the establishment of a new role of Executive Director (Finance) evaluated at Chief Officer Band H (£127,377 - £139,067) and that this post be designated as the Council’s statutory Section 151 Officer


3.    Agree the recommendation from Employment Panel that Paul McKevitt is appointed to the role of Interim Executive Director (Finance), Section 151 Officer  withimmediate effect for an initial period of six months, with the ability to agree a further six month extension delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Affairs & HR and Cabinet Member for Finance and Communities.


4.    Note the deletion of the role of Director of Housing Chief Officer Band F (£103,767 - £112,636).


5.    Agree the establishment of the post of Director of Housing Operations evaluated at Chief Officer Band F (£103,767 - £112,636).



Supporting documents: