Agenda item


Minutes from the meeting held on 12th September 2023 are attached for approval.


It was agreed:


That the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th September 2023 be approved as a correct and accurate record.


Matters arising:


Councillor Berry questioned if there have been any lessons learned that could be adopted regarding the reoffending rates of young people in Bury, compared to that of other countries that have lower reoffending rates of young people.


In response Councillor Smith advised one of the functions of the national Youth Justice Board is to look at research across the UK and around the world (from countries that are similar to ours and have similar laws) and to use this research to inform evidence based interventions which are shared with local youth justice boards The issue we face is that many countries have quite a different legal framework to the UK , for example, in some Scandinavian countries the age of criminal responsibility is 15 whereas ours in the UK is 10, so this immediately means that we will have more young people within the youth justice system than those countries.


More recently the board has looked at arrest rate and there has been a drive across police forces to record youth crime at a lower level which pushes up arrest numbers. We are mindful of this, and we are currently working with our local force in Bury to develop a clearer pathway to prevention so that more young people can be supported outside of the formal criminal justice system. We will track this to review impact over the next 6-12 months.


Councillor Berry also asked if we have an update on school attendance figures of Radcliffe children and is the council in a position to report on the reasons why Radcliffe has the highest number of persistent children’s absences.


The current attendance figures for the first half term for Radcliffe schools are:




Attendance %
Exc Nursery


Autumn 1


The Derby High School

Autumn 1


Chapelfield Primary School

Autumn 1


Gorsefield Primary School

Autumn 1


Cams Lane Primary School

Autumn 1


Millwood Primary Special School

Autumn 1


Radcliffe Hall CE/Methodist Primary

Autumn 1


Radcliffe Primary School

Autumn 1


St Andrews CE Primary School (Radcliffe)

Autumn 1


St Johns CE Primary School

Autumn 1


St Marys RC Primary School

Autumn 1


Wesley Methodist Primary School

Autumn 1



To improve overall attendance for all of our schools, the attendance offer that is being provided is:


·         Introduced attendance forums for all schools and academies.

·         Implemented training on attendance processes and guidance.

·         Provided new attendance policy for all schools and academies which is available on the Headteacher Hubs for schools to download.

·         Emotionally based school avoidance Pathway offered to all schools.

·         Trauma Informed school training provided to all schools.

·         ACES (Adverse childhood experiences) training which is offered to all schools.

·         Each school has an allocated attendance officer providing the core offer – targeted support meetings, legal interventions, penalty notices, multi-agency meetings.

·         School attendance orders have been implemented from September 2023


Overall attendance for all Bury schools has increased by 1.8% in the autumn term from the previous year. Overall absences has decreased by 1.8%, overall unauthorised absences have decreased by 0.4% from the previous autumn term and one secondary school has increased their overall attendance by 2% from the previous year.


Helen Chadwick, Union Representative requested a correction to word in the minutes.


Councillor Rydeheard asked if the meeting with Ms Marek had taken place. Officers advised this is yet to take place.


Members were informed since the last meeting two task and finish groups have taken place.

Supporting documents: