Agenda item

Bury Moving Strategy update

Lee Buggie & Stefan Taylor, Public Health Specialists to present the item. Report and presentation attached.


Stefan Taylor and Lee Buggie, Public Health Specialists presented an update on the Bury Moving Strategy.


Stefan Taylor reported that this is a framework rather than a strategy and that there are 4 strategic aims to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour and 15 priorities that come from the objectives. It was explained that the strategy needed to align with the Let’s Do It Strategy and have a whole system approach doing more work in schools and as a small local authority. In terms of being active, it was explained that Bury would rank the 3rd active Local Authority in Greater Manchester if there was a league table.


Lee Buggie highlighted what good looks like and reported that there was a slightly higher level of obesity in Reception and Year 6 and due to this, Public Health are re-wording the letter that is sent to parents/carers and creating a referral point to the Bury Live well Service. Lee Buggie provided details on a number of initiatives which included working with non-traditional partners to address Men’s mental health, working with schools to create an ‘active school’, man vs fat, linking Parkrun and neighbourhood led walks and trialling green gyms. The next steps for the work included engagement with partners and communities, a re-focus around tackling inequalities and councillor mental health training.


Councillor Tariq advised of the new and first ever Parkrun in Clarance Park and that the attendance has been increasing at the event which links to the Let’s Do It Strategy around building up a volunteer base.


In response to a question from Helen Tomlinson around where this strategy sits in relation to the wellness strategy, Jon Hobday advised that it is a framework rather than a separate strategy with a clear vision. There are four key areas of focus in the framework, and partners will be encouraged to support activity in each of the areas but the intention is that activity is not all centrally controlled and facilitated. 


In response to a question from Helen Tomlinson around how to include the voluntary sector in this work, Lee Buggie explained that there are multiple offers to access funding and is keen around the volunteering network and bringing funding from Greater Manchester. Lee Buggie advised that he contact the VCFA around volunteering.


Adrian Crook asked to keep older adults in mind with this strategy, to keep them mobilised around their homes.


Ruth Passman advised of a Women’s Health Project around pelvic health that this work should be discussed further.


Jon Hobday reported that the active lives data is really useful in giving a clear picture to advise which parts of the borough are inactive.


Councillor Smith reported the need for a good signposting system to help people overcome barriers that they may have.


It was agreed:-


1.          next steps to support a re-fresh and re-profile given covid, finite resource and changing priorities locally, regionally, and nationally (Sport England/GM Moving re-focus).


These include:


·         An action plan review of the current strategy, highlight some easy wins and reprofile and re-design a suitable project plans those items deemed off track and or slipped and or stalled.

·         Consider how this strategy echoes other wider policies and corporate aims such as proposed public health priorities (Life Expectancy Gap and School Readiness), cooperate aims as part of the Lets strategy with improving quality of life and along with improved early years development and educational attainment.

·         Co-design and map the refresh with key partners, stakeholders and our communities ensuring they have an influence along with neighbourhood specific characteristics.


2.          To look at the next steps and bring back Bury Moving Strategy to a future Board meeting highlighting the progress.


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