Agenda item

Mental Health Complex System Mapping

Jim McGlynn and Lee Buggie, Public Health Practitioners to present the attached slides and report.


Lee Buggie and Jim McGlynn provided an update on the Mental Health Complex System Mapping, which was co-produced by stakeholders and partners to look at the gaps in the mental health system. A stakeholder event took place at the Mosses Centre, with 45 attendees and the project has been resourced through GMMH (Greater Manchester Mental Health). The feedback collated from the stakeholder event was sorted into 4 key priorities and fed into a second workshop for stakeholders to agree how the feedback was mapped.  Bury have focused their work around low level intervention. The mapping system focuses on health inequalities and this way of working was embedded within the workshop and formed the recommendations within the report.


Lee Buggie advised that Bury has been nominated for the I-Network Award for collaborative working.


Lee Buggie highlighted the Coping and Thriving Model that is used within Bury which includes help lines, community support groups and digital support services to connect people with support for early intervention and prevention. The aim of this work is to reduce waiting times and improve recovery targets.


Lee Buggie demonstrated the digital mapping system for professionals to use and explained that another mapping system will be created for communities to use, with the ambition of having the systems on the Bury Directory.  Lee Buggie explained that from the events, 16 actions have been noted, with most actions already being completed by the Local Authority and partners. 


In response to a question around how the recommendations are integrated into the Mental Health Programme Board, Lee Buggie explained that he is meeting with the Mental Health Programme Board at the end of February to discuss this further and expects that the work will feed into the mental health programme yearly plan.


Adrian Crook questioned whether the recommendations for the Health and Wellbeing Board to consider are labelled as ‘choices’ within the report and raised concerns around these being significant and expensive. Adrain Crook questioned whether the Health and Wellbeing Board was the correct place to endorse these recommendations. In response, Lee Buggie confirmed that the recommendations are the choices within the report and explained that although these are in Bury’s action plan, it does not mean that Bury will adopt these, as some of the choices were aspirational. Lee Buggie advised that the action plan will be brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Board to provide a further update. Lee Buggie further explained that he would like to Board to support these choices, rather than endorse them and agreed that the actions need to be reasonable.


In response to a Councillor Thorpe’s question around specific mental health conditions, Lee Buggie advised that the mental health mapping work is for low lever intervention. Cathy Fines explained that the I-Thrive model and the quadrant would be better named emotional wellbeing.


Will Blandamer gave assurances to the board that the work being done as a part of the I-Thrive Model is different than the work of the Mental Health Programme Board and has been built from robust engagement with stakeholders and the community, which is important to feed into and receive advice from the Mental Health Programme Board. Will Blandamer explained that the ambitions need be realistic and within our scope of the Let’s Strategy, and as a Health and Wellbeing Board.


Helen Tomlinson explained that mental health was one of Healthwatch’s priorities and advised of work being completed by Rochdale. Helen Tomlinson advised that she would feed back on this work at a future board.


It was agreed:


1.           The Health and Wellbeing Board to support exploring the choices highlighted within the report.

2.           The report be noted.


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