Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director (Operations) is attached.


The Executive Director (Operations) submitted a report advising Members on operational issues within the Licensing Service.


The report set out updates in respect of the following issues:


The Licensing Service had dealt with a number of compliance and enforcement

matters between the 2nd January and the 11th February 2024.




On the 29th January 2024, an application for a Premises Licence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the Hideout Gastro Bar Limited, 2 Sherbourne Street, Prestwich, M25 3HB was considered due to two representations from two interested parties being received by the Licensing Service. Members of the Sub-Committee decided unanimously that the Sub- Committee grant the application for a Premises Licence in the terms requested.


On the 10th January 2024, Greater Manchester Police submitted an application

to the Licensing Authority for a Summary Review in respect of the Overdraught,

28/30 Blackburn Street, Radcliffe, M26 1NQ, because they believed that the

premises was associated with Serious Crime and/or Disorder. The Licensing

Authority must consider within 48 hours of receipt of the application whether

interim steps are required pending a full summary review hearing. At the interim

steps hearing, members decided unanimously resolved to modify the

conditions of the licence  in orderto promote the licensing objectives.


The Sub-Committee was therefore satisfied that there was sufficient evidence to mean interim steps were necessary for amendments to the current premises licence under the licensing objectives recommended by GMP.


On the 2nd February 2024, the full summary review took place and members decided of the Sub-Committee carefully considered the representations and evidence provided which demonstrated serious crime and disorder. It was therefore unanimously resolved to modify the conditions of the licence  in order to promote the licensing objectives.


The Sub-Committee also reviewed the interim steps and unanimously resolved to withdraw the interim steps in place due to these being included as new conditions on the licence.


The Sub-Committee was therefore satisfied that there was sufficient evidence to mean modifications were necessary for some amendments to the current premises licence under the licensing objectives recommended by GMP.




The Licensing Service held a Trade Liaison meeting with the taxi trade on the

15th February 2024, this was attended by representatives of the trade. The

minutes of the meeting will be available and published in due course on the

Council’s website.


Following the request from Members of the Licensing and Safety Committee on

the 1st February 2024, the Licensing Service as part of the Engagement

Exercise had sent out 225 emails on the 6th February 2024 and a reminder

email on the 12th February 2024 to all vehicle proprietors to seek their views on

the proposals to bring forward the transitional arrangements in respect of

emissions by three months (April 2026 to January 2026). In addition to this the

Engagement Officer had been contacting those affected to gain their views.


Delegated decision:


It was agreed that the report be noted.


Supporting documents: