Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director (Operations) is attached.


Licence Holder 7/2023


The Executive Director (Operations) submitted a report relating to Licence Holder 7/2023 who was in attendance at the meeting alongside their representative and a friend. The Chair made introductions and alongside the legal advisor outlined the procedure to be followed and clarified that all those present had read the report. The report, which was accepted by the Licence Holder and their representative was presented by the Licensing Unit Manager and set out the reasons for the Licence Holder being before the Committee.


The Chair confirmed that Members of the Committee had seen a legal statement submitted by the Licence Holder and circulated earlier in the day. The Chair also confirmed that mobile footage which had been sent out with the agenda pack had also been viewed.


Members were reminded that this matter was due to be considered on the 1st February 2024, following legal advice this matter was withdrawn for further information to be added to the report.


The Licensing Unit Manager reported that the Licence Holder had held a private hire driver’s licence continually since July 2015. His private hire driver’s licence is current until the 2nd September 2024. 


The Licence Holder was before members for consideration to be given as to his suitability to remain a Private Hire Driver in Bury.


A detailed summary of an incident was provided in the report within the private agenda packs and the Licence Holder’s representative referred to the witness statement which had been circulated prior to the meeting.


Delegated decision:


The Committee carefully considered the report, and oral representations by the Licence Holder, their representative and friend.


The Committee noted the explanations provided but stated this was a serious allegation and had considered evidence provided from all the parties involved. 


Taking into account the Council’s Conviction Policy and Guidelines and in accordance with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the Committee resolved to suspend the licence for a period of one month.


Licence Holder 9/2023


The Executive Director (Operations) submitted a report relating to Licence Holder 9/2023 who was in attendance at the meeting alongside a friend. The Chair made introductions and the Council’s legal advisor outlined the procedure to be followed and clarified that all those present had read the report. The report, which was accepted by the Licence Holder and presented by the Licensing Unit Manager, set out the reasons for the Licence Holder being before the Committee.


The report stated that the Licence Holder had held a private hire driver’s licence continually since the 1st July 2003 and their most recent licence was due to expire on the 6th July 2025.


Details for an offence were attached at Appendix 1 in the private agenda packs.


The Licence Holder was before members for consideration to be given as to his suitability to remain a Private Hire Driver in Bury.


The Licence Holder explained background information to the committee and provided paper copies of evidence.


Delegated decision:


The Committee carefully considered the report, and oral representations by the Licence Holder. The Committee accepted the explanations provided and that the Licensing Unit had been informed as per procedure.


Taking into account the Council’s Conviction Policy and Guidelines and in accordance with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the Committee resolved to take no action against the licensee.


At this stage of the evening, the meeting was approaching the maximum of three hours, excluding the period taken up by public question time, of which there was none. At the expiry of the three hours, the Chair and Members present agreed that the meeting continue beyond the three hours duration.


Licence Holder 10/2023


The Executive Director (Operations) submitted a report relating to Licence Holder 10/2023 who was in attendance at the meeting alongside a friend. The Chair made introductions and the Council’s legal advisor outlined the procedure to be followed and clarified that all those present had read the report. The report, which was accepted by the Licence Holder and presented by the Licensing Unit Manager, set out the reasons for the Licence Holder being before the Committee.


The report stated that the Licence Holder had held a private hire driver’s licence continually since November 2003 and their current licence was not due to expire until October 2025.


On the 24th January 2024, the Licensing Service were notified of a complaint.


Written accounts from passengers were included in the private agenda packs

detailed in Appendix 1.


The Licence Holder was before members for consideration to be given as to his suitability to be a private hire driver in Bury.


Delegated decision:


The Committee carefully considered the report, and oral representations by the Licence Holder and his friend. The Committee noted the explanations provided.


Taking into account the Council’s Conviction Policy and Guidelines and in accordance with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the Committee resolved to admonish the licensee as to future conduct.


Supporting documents: