Agenda item

Economic Development Strategy

Tracey Flynn, Service Manager – Business and Investment to present the attached report.


Tracey Flynn, Service Manager for Business and Investment presented the Economic Development Strategy, which was launched in February 2024 and sits under the Let’s Do It Strategy.  Tracey Flynn highlighted the three economic pillars within the strategy – ‘Bury the place’, ‘Bury’s people’ and ‘Bury’s economy and business base’. Each pillar establishes a clear statement of ambition and priority actions.  In relation to improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities, one of the priority actions is embedding good health outcomes as an integral part of the employment and skills system.  Tracey Flynn shared different programmes and activities with the Board and explained ways in which the strategy will integrate services to ensure that the system is less complicated for people to navigate. These included, a meet the provider event, Bury neighbour-hub, work and skills fair and using assets and partners to connect communities to opportunities. Tracey Flynn provided examples of work being done to reduce health inequalities which included business engagement activities to promote the good employment charter, and the recruitment and retention benefits of the real living wage.


Councillor Tariq suggested that work should be completed with officers and portfolio holders who support economic development and health and wellbeing, to ensure that there is a way to champion the work jointly.


In relation to a question asked around the inequalities work that is being done locally with specific groups, to find people good quality employment, Tracey Flynn explained that there are work plans that target specific groups and highlighted a Working Well programme which is for people with a physical or mental health disability, and spoke about a bespoke placement and training programme with wrap around support. Tracey Flynn reported that the Working Well programme is specifically designed to support people with mental health and physical disabilities.


In relation to questions asked around the ‘meet the providers event’ taking place, Tracey Flynn explained that the integrated neighbourhood teams would be invited and that the event would be held at the Fusilier Museum on 20th June.


In relation to a question around targeting programmes for asylum seekers and refugees who have permission to work, Tracey Flynn reported that this is a priority group and explained the programmes of work to support asylum seekers and refugees and highlighted working with partners, ESOL and a digital support offer.


Councillor O’Brien advised that there is a lot in the economic development strategy speaking to better health and wellbeing and suggested that an update be brought to a future Board meeting around supporting adults in education and skills. In Greater Manchester work is being pioneered around the devolution settlement, job centres and job centre pluses and as a Board we should be encouraging that this be looked at nationally.


Councillor Tariq suggested that the economic development strategy has a strong focus and good successes around Bury and Radcliffe and suggested that the strategy be modernised to look into the challenges in 2030 and beyond.


In relation to a question around government funding for numeracy, Tracey Flynn advised that ‘multiply’ is the government funded programme and different organisations are delivering this programme. In Bury Council, sessions are being delivered through the adult learning centre with a focus around putting maths into a work context.


It was agreed:


1.         To note the update.

2.         To thank Tracey Flynn for the update.


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