Agenda item

Bury Local Area SEND Inspection Report

Report of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People attached.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, and the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, attended the meeting and provided Members of the Committee with a verbal update, following the recently jointly undertaken, Care Quality Commission and Ofsted inspection of SEND.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People reported that the inspection team, identified widespread, systemic failings in services and highlighted the challenge that we need to do more to improve the outcomes of children and young people with special educational needs.


The inspection identifies 6 priority actions which Bury Council and NHS Greater Manchester ICB are jointly responsible for, along with 3 areas for improvement. As a result of the inspection outcome, the local authority will be issued with an Improvement Notice, and we will be subject to monitoring visits followed by a re-inspection in approximately 18 months. 


In considering the report’s findings, the following issues were raised:


Members expressed concerns with regards to the report’s findings and particularly, that the Scrutiny Committee had not been informed, in advance, of the extent of the issues identified, despite discussing SEND, at numerous previous meetings.

With regard to concerns relating to SEND, the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People reported that she had shared these concerns previously with the Committee.  The Cabinet Member acknowledged that the SEND service was in need of improvement and that is why the department had worked to develop a improvement plan. 

The inspection report highlighted the progress that the Council, working with its partners had made but that there had been insufficient time, prior to the inspection, to see any real impact. 


In addition, the Chair, raised concerns about the lack of information, and detail shared with the Committee, to the extent of the problems facing the SEND service.  The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People reported that she was happy to work with the Committee and suggested moving forward, that Members review the format and the type of information shared with the Committee.


The Executive Director (Health and Adult Care) reported that the recommendations, did not constitute a surprise.  The Council, together with partners believe that they had made significant progress, including reducing waiting times and an increase in the number of Health Visitors, this is not, as of yet, transferring in to better outcomes for service users.


Members agreed that they would like to see a dashboard highlighting SEND performance, whilst at the same time measuring impact and outcomes.  Responding, the Interim Director of Education and Skills reported that this information is regularly shared with the Improvement Board and can too, be shared with Members of this Committee.


Responding to a Members question, with regards to PIP, the Executive Director (Health and Adult Care)– reported that NHS partners are confident that can deliver and make progress, demand continues to be problematic, with some services experiencing a 300% increase in demand for services.

Members discussed priority 2 of the action plan; “to improve or embed the use of the graduated approach to identifying and meeting needs across the local area”.  Members expressed concern that one of the impact measures, included website visitors and or, pages accessed per visit.  Responding, the Interim Director of Education and Skills, reported that this is only one measure and part of a wider strategic plan that includes not only the number of clicks but outcomes/successes.

The Trade Union Representative reported that there is an excellent SEND graduated approach and toolkit but due to pressures in Schools, including reductions in staff and ability to undertake these activities, there is risk that this priority would not be deliverable.

Responding, the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People reported that the report highlighted the need to develop partnership working, the Council acknowledges this and this will be a key part of the improvement journey and plan, moving forward.


Members asked when will the Committee see positive lived experiences for young people, and expressed concerns that as Councillors, their casework still suggests problems with SEND provision across the Council.  The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People reported, that we are good outcomes, however some of the legacy plans remain an area of concerns. It is envisaged that we will have indication of impact in six months.

With regards to point 7.2 pf the action plan; children, families and stakeholders understand what support is available; members expressed concerns with regards to the identified measures.  The Head of Strategy, Assurance and Reform reported that information gained via the website is one of a suite of measures, used to measure impact, others will include co-produced surveys for parents, young people and their carers.

It was agreed that:


1.    Members to consider, outside of the meeting, the types and format of data to be presented to future meetings.

2.    Members will consider to scrutinise the findings from the inspection report and may look in the future to establishing a short term task and finish group to consider this matter in further detail.

3.    Representatives from the Children’s Services Department, will approach School SENCO Leaders to check their understanding of the SEND graduated approach and remind them of the SEND toolkit.






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