Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director (Operations) is attached.



The Executive Director (Operations) submitted a report advising Members on operational issues within the Licensing Service.


The report set out updates in respect of the following issues:


The Licensing Service had dealt with a number of compliance and enforcement

matters between the 1st April and the 26th May 2024.




On the 19th April 2024, an application for the grant of a premises licence at

Beytoushi,  Market, 406 Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1BD was

due to be considered by the Licensing Hearings Sub-Committee. The

application attracted representations from Greater

Manchester Police, Trading Standards and the Licensing Authority in their

capacity as Responsible Authorities. The Licensing Authority received

notification from the applicant that he was withdrawing the application. Due to

the withdrawal of the application the hearing did not take place.


Following a request by the Chief Superintendent for a summary review in

respect of Metro, 66 Spring Lane, Radcliffe due to the premises being linked to

serious crime, an interim steps hearing was held on the 26th March. Members

decided to impose interim steps pending the full review of the Premises Licence

being the suspension of the Premises Licence and the removal of the DPS. The

full review of the premises licence took place on the 17th April 2024

and members decided to revoke the licence and determined that the interim

steps stay in force during the appeal period.


On the 19th April 2024, an application for the grant of a premises licence in

respect of Hareram, 40 Holly Street, Tottington was considered by the members

of the Licensing Hearings Sub-Committee. Representations were received from

two interested parties. Members decided to grant the application.




Members were reminded about an application for a summary review submitted

by Greater Manchester Police in respect of Club 66, 24 Silver Street, Bury.

Members resolved to revoke the premises licence. The Licence holder

appealed the Council’s decision to the Magistrates Court.


However, during the appeal period the limited company was

dissolved, therefore the premises licence lapsed due to the requirements of the

Licensing Act 2003




The Deputy Licensing Officer worked in partnership with Greater Manchester

Police on the 20th April 2024 for the football derby held at Ramsbottom United

FC between Bury FC and Ramsbottom. Officers carried out checks at licensed

premises in Bury Town Centre and Ramsbottom. Officers also visited the

football ground itself. Several minor issues were identified and addressed.


On the 10th May 2024, officers from the Licensing Service and the Trading

Standards Service worked in partnership with Greater Manchester Police and

visited 9 premises. Officers seized from 6 premises 649 vapes, 4540 Illicit

cigarettes and 650g of hand rolling tobacco which had a street value of £10,000.




On the 2nd May 2024, the Licensing Service received intelligence from Greater Manchester Police regarding two private hire drivers. Due to the nature of the intelligence the Licensing Unit Manager in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing and Safety Committee decided to immediately revoke their private hire driver’s licences in the interests of Public Safety.


Delegated decision:


It was agreed that the report be noted.


Supporting documents: