Agenda item


To receive and consider the recommendations to the Council contained in the following minutes of:





Cabinet 16th July 2024

Budget Update Report


·         Approve the increase to the fees and charges as set in section 21 and Appendix 1 totalling £444k.

·         Note the updated Net Revenue Budget of £224.480m and £1.982m reduction in the use of reserves, from £15.131m to £13.149m.

Cabinet 16th July 2024

Housing Revenue Account – Proposed Capital Works Programme 2024/25


·         Acknowledge the proposed Capital Programme to be funded within the HRA, estimated at £19,841,760 and recommends to Council that it be approved.

·         Subject to Council approval, authorises external competitive procurement to be commenced in respect of the respective schemes identified within the Capital Programme on a compliant basis in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules 2022.

·         Requests reports back on the individual schemes with recommendations as to contract awards at the conclusion of the respective procurement processes.

·         Notes that whilst the target completion date for the respective contract works is the end of the current financial year, the duration of some contracts and the associated expenditure will run into 2025/26 and that further updates will be provided to Cabinet as part of the Budget reporting process.

·         Approves payments to Green Grants Install Limited for decarbonisation works under the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Wave 1 and 2 programmes grant funded by the GMCA and delegates to the Director of Law and Gove

Cabinet 16th July 2024

Implementation of the Children’s Services Leadership Structure  



·         Note the update on the Children & Young People’s Department Senior Management Restructure, including work to implement the new structure following conclusion of staff consultation.

·         Recommend that Council approve in principle the release of the Strategic Lead (Schools System) and disestablishment of their role following their request for Voluntary Early Retirement with Severance submitted through the consultation process. – This would attract severance costs of £37,409 (which will be met by the Department) and capital costs of £101,325 related to the early release of pension benefits (which will be met centrally by the fund held by the Greater Manchester Pension Fund on behalf of the Council for this purpose). (These costs will vary very slightly dependant on the exact leaving date).

·         Delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Director of Children and Young People, Director of People & Inclusion and the Cabinet Members for Children’s Services and HR and Corporate Affairs, final approval and the specific timing of redundancy linked to the completion of a number of strategic deliverables.

·         Recommend that Council approve the redesignation and revaluation of one of the two Assistant Director (Regeneration Delivery) roles (Chief Officer Band D, £83,865-£90,992) to Director of Regeneration and Project Delivery (Chief Officer Band E, £93,102 - £101,596) to reflect the transfer of responsibility for Schools’ Capital Development to this role and also an expanded remit in relation to housing growth and development following the departure of the former Director of Housing.