Agenda item

Health and Care Update


Will Blandamer, Deputy Placed Based Lead and Executive Director, Health and Adult Care gave a presentation giving an overview of the Bury Integrated Care Partnership operating model, priorities, NHS performance overview and finance.


The presentation explained that the role of the Health Scrutiny Committee is to;


      review and scrutinise matters relating to the planning, provision and operation of the health service in the area. 

      require information to be provided by certain NHS bodies about the planning, provision and operation of health services 

      require employees, including non-executive directors of certain NHS bodies, to attend 

      make reports and recommendations to certain NHS bodies and expect a response within 28 days

      set up joint health scrutiny and overview committees with other local authorities 

      have a mechanism in place to respond to consultations by relevant NHS bodies and relevant health service providers on substantial reconfiguration proposals

      have a mechanism in place to deal with referrals made by local Healthwatch 


Bury Integrated Care Partnership describes the joint work of the key partners in Bury to manage and transform the health and care system in Bury and to provide better outcomes for residents and included Bury Council, Northern Care Alliance (inc. Fairfield General, and Community Health Services), Pennine Care Mental Health Trust, Manchester Foundation Trust, NHS Greater Manchester, Primary Care Providers – GPs/pharmacists/dentists/optometrists, VCFA and wider Voluntary Sector, Bury Healthwatch, Persona and other partners.


The Health and Care System in Bury costs about £450 million per year.


Will explained the ambition of the Partnership, set out the Governance arrangements and then explained how the Bury Locality Board fit in with the partnership and the programme of work and priorities for Bury.


There are 10 programmes of work: Urgent Care, Major Conditions including Cancer, Learning Disabilities and Autism, Complex Care, Mental Health, Primary Care, Adult Social Care Transformation, Ageing Well inc. frailty and dementia, Planned care and community services, and End of Life and Palliative Care.


The high level priorities were set out and the 6 obsessions which inform the way the priories are delivered.


It was explained that an integrated neighbourhood team had been established in each of the towns in the borough creating five neighbourhoods and included adults care, community health services and GPs with plans to expand to include other parts of the health and care system. A model of family hubs was being rolled out within the neighbourhood footprint to support children, young people and families and other public services were being aligned on the same footprint with established public service leadership teams in each neighbourhood.


The presentation gave information on the Supra local footprint which had been developed with the Northern Care Alliance and the 4 localities they serve , Bury, Oldham, Rochdale and Salford as well as a partnership meeting with MTF (Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust), and partnership meetings with the 5 boroughs that Pennine Care  Foundation Trust works on.


Information was provided on the GM context including the GM Strategy for Health Care and Wellbeing and the operating model. It was explained that there were financial challenges across the GM system and work was required to produce a sustainability plan and align arrangements across the GM footprint  for provision of services and treatments such as IVF.


The presentation included benchmarking information on how Bury was performing compared to the NHS indicators across GM including A & E attendance, the number of patients in hospital who are kept away from home, access to Children and young people’s mental health services, inappropriate adult mental health out of area bed days, the percentage of patients identified as having 20% or greater 10 year risk of developing CVD are  treated with statins and waiting time for planned care.


It was explained that the Director of Public Health will attend future meetings of the Health Scrutiny Committee to update on the public health outcomes  framework.


It was also noted that the Director of Adult Services will bring forward performance reports on key indicators for ASC.


Councillor FitzGerald explained that she had attended the GMCA Joint Health Scrutiny Committee where the work of the Committee had been discussed. There were 9 meetings scheduled for this municipal year compared to 5 the previous year with teams meetings planned in between.


Councillor FitzGerald explained that the work of the committee included reviewing proposed consultations and the harmonisation of services/thresholds of access (such as IVF) across Greater Manchester. It was suggested that the Health Scrutiny Committee should have the opportunity to input in the work of the GMCA Committee and this could be done by Councillor FitzGerald sharing the Committee papers with members and if required having meetings to discuss.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, Councillor Tariq thanked Will for the presentation and highlighted some of the areas that the committee may wish to look at throughout the year and suggested that members may want to attend a visit to the Irwell Unit at Fairfield Hospital.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised;


·         Councillor Rubinstein referred to the statistics across GM and asked if there were also national statistics.


It was explained that statistics were measured locally regionally and nationally.


·         Cllr Ryder referred to work being done to reduce specific acute non elective admissions and asked whether this was reflective of what was happening in the community.


Will explained that there the active case management processes in place to reduce unplanned admissions seemed to be successful.

Adrian reported that proactive care planning in GP surgeries had created 30,000 more GP appointments, a rapid response service had been established, extra resources had been made available at front of A & E and the implementation of same day emergency care were seeing unplanned admission figures consistently reducing.


·         Councillor Gold referred to the fact that Fairfield Hospital was limited in the services it could provide which meant that Bury patients were required to attend other hospitals. He asked how the relationships were between hospitals.


Will explained that there was an excellent working relationship with Fairfield Hospital and across the Northern Care Alliance, there were fortnightly meetings with the NCA Chief Operating Officers as well as regular meetings with North Manchester and Bolton regarding maternity services.


·         Councillor Walsh asked if the SEND Improvement Assurance Board had been established in the lead up to the CQC and Ofsted and whether it would continue to meet after the inspections.


Councillor Tariq explained that the long term position to turn around SEND requires Children and Adults services to work together.


Will reported that the Council and ICB will be required to respond to SEND  and Pennine Care and the NCA will have input at different stages of the action plan. The ICB will be judged on timely access for supporting families. Will explained that he and the Executive Director of Children and Young People sit together on the Board.


·         Councillor Duncalfe explained that Blackburn area health authority were in a similar position to Bury in that they use several hospitals as specialist centres of excellence to treat specific conditions. Blackburn have introduced a free scheduled bus service in between all of the various units in their area.


Councillor Duncalfe enquired as to whether Bury have considered introducing a similar service between sites as elderly and less mobile patients often do not drive and could have difficulty in travel between the various sites.


Will explained that this was not something that Fairfield and the NCA had considered but the NCA had indicated that they would contact Blackburn to find out more information. It was possible that they may consider a pilot scheme depending on the information provided and whether assessment information was available. It was stated that funding would be an issue as this was not something that the NCA could fund.


Councillor FitzGerald asked Members to consider all of the information provided to identify topics for inclusion in the work programme of the Committee:


It was also asked whether the Committee should establish a sub committee to input into the work of the GMCA or to share the agenda’s with a view to having Teams discussions.


Councillor Lancaster suggested sharing the agendas with the committee as a first step with a Teams invitation being sent to allow those members that wish to be involved to meet to discuss.


Members were also asked to consider a visit to the Irwell Unit as suggested by Councillor Tariq.


It was agreed:


1.    That Will be thanked for the presentation.


2.    That the Committee Members would consider the contents of the presentation and email the Scrutiny Officer/ Chair with suggestions for items to include on the work programme.








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