The following Notices of Motion have been received:-
(1) Economic Growth and Excessive Interventions
This Council notes that;
This Council further notes;
This Council resolves to;
1. Consult with the hospitality businesses and commercial property owners in Bury as to their views on the potential Government proposals outlined in this motion.
2. As part of this consultation enquire if there is anything we can do as a Council to advocate on their behalf.
3. Following receipt of the views of hospitality businesses and commercial property owners in Bury meet with the appropriate Business Group(s) to formulate an agreed action plan.
4. Write to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care with the outcome of the consultation with Bury hospitality businesses and commercial property owners.
In the names of COUNCILLORS S. Arif, Bernstein, Brown, Gartside, Harris, Hussain, Lancaster, McBriar, Rydeheard, Vernon.
(2) Support to Armed Forces
The Council notes that the Armed Forces Covenant Legal Duty, is a legal obligation on public bodies to ‘have due regard’ to the principles of the Covenant and requires decisions about the development and delivery of services to be made with conscious consideration of the needs of the Armed Forces community. These include healthcare, education, and housing services.
“Due regard” means that organisations in scope of the Duty will need to consciously consider the unique obligations and sacrifices made by the Armed Forces; that it is desirable to remove disadvantages faced by the Armed Forces community; and that special provision may be justified in some circumstances.
Although the Covenant has no mandate over veterans of the Blue Light Services the measures proposed would also support that wider community and those groups who are often overlooked especially in terms of mental health.
This Council resolves to:
(3) Exploration of Health Impact Assessments in Council Policy Development
This Council notes:
This Council further notes:
This Council resolves to:
Consider the integration of an HIA in future council reports, papers, and policy proposals to assess potential impacts on the health and wellbeing of Bury’s population. If adopted, after the review, the HIA would serve as an advisory component in decision-making, aiming for increased transparency and encouraging Councillors to reflect on health implications in their decisions.
In the names of COUNCILLORS; A Arif, Bayley, Boles, Cummins, Farooq, Fitzgerald, Frith, Gold, Green, Grimshaw, Haroon, Hayes, Hook, Ibrahim, McGill, Morris, Moss, O'Brien, Pilkington, A Quinn, D Quinn, Rafiq, Rahimov, Rizvi, Rubinstein, Ryder, L Smith, Southworth, Staples-Jones, Tariq, Thorpe, Walmsley
(i) Economic Growth and Excessive Interventions
Council considered a motion received in the names of Councillors S. Arif, Bernstein, Brown, Gartside, Harris, Hussain, Lancaster, McBriar, Rydeheard, Vernon.
The Motion was moved by Councillor Bernstein and seconded by Councillor Rydeheard and on being put with the majority of members voting against the Motion, the Mayor declared the motion lost.
(ii) Funding for drop in centres for Older residents
Council considered a motion in the names of Councillors Birchmore, Berry, Booth, Duncalfe, Marsden, M Smith, K Simpson and Cllr Mary Walsh. The motion was moved by Councillor Simpson and seconded by Councillor Marsden and on being put with all Members present including the Mayor voting in favour Council agreed to:
(iii)Exploration of Health Impact Assessments in Council Policy Development
Council considered a notice of motion received in the names of Councillors: A Arif, Bayley, Boles, Cummins, Farooq, Fitzgerald, Frith, Gold, Green, Grimshaw, Haroon, Hayes, Hook, Ibrahim, McGill, Morris, Moss, O'Brien, Pilkington, Quinn Alan, Quinn Deborah, Rafiq, Rizvi, Rahimov, Rubinstein, Ryder, Smith Lucy, John Southworth, Staples-Jones Gareth, Tariq, Thorpe, Walmsley.
The Motion was moved by Councillor FitzGerald and seconded by Councillor Rahimov and on being put with the majority of Members voting in favour, Council agreed to:
Consider the integration of an HIA in future council reports, papers, and policy proposals to assess potential impacts on the health and wellbeing of Bury’s population. If adopted, after the review, the HIA would serve as an advisory component in decision-making, aiming for increased transparency and encouraging Councillors to reflect on health implications in their decisions.