Agenda item

United Utilities - Croft Lane


Representatives from United Utilities (Simon and Emma) attended the meeting to update local residents on the sewerage replacement work planned to take place on Croft Lane during the autumn 2014. This would involve the closure of the width of Croft Lane for a period of up to 16 weeks.


The work had been sanctioned to address concerns relating to ground settlement which if left could result in collapse of sewerage pipes.


Other services had been identified in the area concerned following test digging which involved cabling provided by Virgin Media, BT and Electricity North West. It was anticipated that these works to re-route these services would be completed in the next two weeks. Update letters would be circulated to those residents in the area.


United Utilities was arranging a public exhibition that would take place on Thursday 14 August at Hollins Social Club between 3:30pm and 6:30pm. Further information would be provided including art work showing the proposals. Any technical questions would be answered at the exhibition day.


Work on the main sewerage pipes would start in September. This would initially at the lowest point which was Croft Lane/Crofters View (cul-de-sac).


It was expected that work on Croft Lane / Crofters View / Melton Drive would begin in October.


During this time there would be a full width closure of the road, though this would not be a full length road closure.


Access arrangements for the health centre and the ASDA at Pilsworth would be notified by road signage and arrangements were being made for a shuttle bus would be provided by First Bus. The bus route and schedule would be notified nearer the time.


It was not known yet if the road will be closed next week (14 July).


If the Croft Lane was to be closed at any point it was intended to provide local provide residents and road users with a one week advanced notice.


The closure programme would be for 16 weeks the phasing of this would be clearer nearer to the time and additional information would be provided at the exhibition.


Checks will be made on the road signage to ensure delivery lorry drivers are aware of the road closures and don’t use Croft Lane for access to Pilsworth Industrial Estate.


Further information can also be obtained on a web site:


Information will also be published in the Bury Times and Bury Journal.


The start time of works in September is due to an embargo by Virgin Media taking place during the World Cup.


The sixteen week period to complete the work is an estimation based on the test diggings that have taken place by the contractor involved. This should be sufficient to complete the works taking into account minor issues that may arise during the excavation work. Alternatively the work could be completed in a shorter time period. Residents will be kept informed during this time.


ASDA and the Health Centre have been made aware of the work taking place and that a shuttle bus service will be in operation.


The shuttle bus service will be funded by United Utilities.


Updates will be placed at Unsworth Library.


There will be pedestrian access available on Croft Lane at all times during the time the work is taking place.


The Chair thanked Emma and Simon for attending the meeting and providing the update.