Agenda item


          The following Notice of Motions have been received:- 


          1. Impact of the TTIP


          This Council believes that:


1.     The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP)negotiations are potentially catastrophic for public services as the EU/US representatives are negotiating to hand over the right to regulate inthe public interest without transparency      or accountability to their electorates.


        2.    Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms                          would make it hard for any government to                                            reverse liberalisation and           privatisation without being                           sued by foreign investors.  So  whatever           voters                             actually wanted, the trade treaty would place major                           barriers in the way of government giving expression to                      their           democratic will.


          This Council resolves to:


          1.    Write to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills raising our serious concerns      about the TTIP.


          2.    Offer support to the campaign by Unite to defend the NHS          which is drawing attention to the potential impact of the TTIP.


          3.    Write to all borough/district councils in Lancashire to urge           them to joinus in opposing the potential impact of the TTIP.


          4.    Write to the County Councils Network and Local Government      Association to urge themlobby on behalf of all Local Authorities on      the potentialimpact of theTTIP.


          5.    Do all we can to publicise the dangers arising from this trade      agreement for our NHS and other public services and jobs.





In the names of Councillors  P Adams,  N Bayley, J Black, S Briggs, P Bury, G Campbell, S Carter, D M Cassidy, M Connolly, A J Cummings, E FitzGerald L Fitzwalter, J Frith, J Grimshaw, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt, A Isherwood, M A James, D Jones, S Kerrison, J S Lewis, A K Matthews, J Mallon, E O’Brien, N A Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith, S Southworth, T Tariq,  S Walmsley and M Whitby.       




1.   Bury Central Library


          This Council commits itself to the principle of reinstating a Central     Library worthy of a Metropolitan Borough as soon as practicable          so      that appropriate provision for a           larger Lending Stock, Reference         Works, Reading Facilities, Separate Children's Area, Study          Space and other facilities are restored in place of the much reduced   and very cramped provision currently on offer.


In the names of Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly, I Gartside, D Gunther, R Hodkinson, K Hussain, S Nuttall, R Walker, J Walton and Y Wright



Two Notices of Motion have been received and set out in the Summons.


1. Impact of the TTIP


               A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:-


Councillors P Adams, N Bayley, J Black, S Briggs, P Bury, G Campbell, S Carter, D M Cassidy, M Connolly, A J Cummings, E FitzGerald, L Fitzwalter, J Frith, J Grimshaw, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt, A Isherwood, M A James, D Jones, S Kerrison, J S Lewis, A K Matthews, J Mallon, E O’Brien, N A Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith, S Southworth, T Tariq, S Walmsley and M Whitby.


              In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.7(a), permission was given for the motion as set out to be altered, and it was moved by Councillor Parnell and seconded by Councillor Simpson:


This Council believes that:


1. the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations are potentially catastrophic for public services as the EU/US representatives are negotiating to hand over the right to regulate in the public interest without transparency or accountability to their electorates.


2.  Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms would make it hard for any government to reverse liberalisation and privatisation without being sued by foreign investors. So whatever voters actually wanted, the trade treaty would place major barriers in the way of government giving expression to their democratic will.


This Council resolves to:


1. Write to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills raising our serious concerns about the TTIP.


2. Offer support to the campaign by Unite to defend the NHS which is drawing attention to the potential impact of the TTIP.


3.  Write to all metropolitan borough/district councils in the North West to urge them to join us in opposing the potential impact of the TTIP.


4. Write to the County Councils Network and Local Government Association to urge them lobby on behalf of all Local Authorities on the potential impact of the TTIP.


         5. Do all we can to publicise the dangers arising from this trade    agreement for our NHS and other public services and jobs.


              On being put, with 34 voting for, 11 against and one abstention, the motion was declared carried.




2. Bury Central Library


A motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:


Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly, I Gartside, D Gunther, R Hodkinson, K Hussain, S Nuttall, R Walker, J Walton and Y Wright.


It was moved by Councillor Walker and seconded by Councillor Gartside:


              “This Council commits itself to the principle of reinstating a Central Library worthy of a Metropolitan Borough as soon as practicable so that appropriate provision for a larger Lending Stock, Reference Works, Reading Facilities, Separate Children’s Area, Study Space and other facilities are restored in place of the much reduced and very cramped provision currently on offer.”


On being put, with 11 voting for, 34 against and one abstention, the motion was declared lost.