Agenda item


A representative from GM Police will attend the meeting (subject to availability).


Angela Freudenburgh, Beat Office in Ramsbottom, Ashleigh Oxton, Beat Officer in North Manor and PCSO Dave Johnson attended the meeting to update those present on police issues across Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor.


It was explained that the Police had been carrying out some work in relation to young people causing a nuisance which was happening when the schools were on holiday. Angela explained that she was working with Ramsbottom Youth Project to try and sort out some activity options.


It was explained that crime in general across the three townships was low.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and the following points were raised:-


·           Councillor Hodkinson explained that he had been made aware that a recent planning application had been submitted to the Council for a change of use of premises on Bridge Street in Ramsbottom from a retail unit to a bar with a late license.


Councillor Hodkinson asked whether this was something that the Police should be concerned about with regards to anti social behaviour due to alcohol.


PCSO Johnson explained that the Police were aware of the application and if successful they would keep an eye on the area to ensure that any anti social behaviour was stopped. There had been a new wine open on Bolton Street late 2014 and this had not caused any issues in the area.


·            Councillor Bevan reported that there had been a number of burglaries on Bury New Road and asked if a police presence could be stepped up in the area.


It was explained that the Police were aware of the rise in the number of burglaries in the area and they were keeping an eye on this.


·            Councillor Bevan also reported that speeding vehicles was an issue along Bury New Road and asked if something could be done in this area.


It was explained that work was being carried out and the Police were in the process of identifying suitable locations where vehicles could be pulled over in order for the drivers to be spoken to. It was also explained that the possibility of undertaking a joint operation with Lancashire Police was being discussed.


·             Councillor Wright referred to the Community Speed Watch programme and asked if this project could be carried out across the three Townships.


It was explained that work was being carried out to try and get this up and running. Ramsbottom was on target to submit an application for the loan of the equipment and a number of volunteers had been identified to carry out the training. Once this had been done the speed watch equipment would be loaned to them for a three month period during which time speed watch exercises would be carried out across Ramsbottom and further afield as required. It was stated that this would be carried out this year.


It was also hoped that similar applications would be submitted for Tottington and North Manor and would be completed towards the back of 2015.


Angela stated that an exercise would be carried out with the pupils from Emmanuel Holcombe Primary School to highlight drivers' speeds through the village. This exercise had been carried out previously and was very successful.


·             Councillor Gunther explained that there was an issue with speeding traffic through Hawkshaw Village and asked if this could be dealt with.


It was explained that Hawkshaw could be included in the Community Speed Watch programme for Ramsbottom.


·         Councillor Gunther also reported that there was a large red van parked at the top of Walmersley Road at the junction with Burnley Road near to where the bus stop was. She asked if there was anything that could be done about this as it looked like it was parked illegally.


Angela stated that she wasn't aware of this until now but she would liaise with Ian Lord to see if the vehicle was parked illegally.


·         Councillor Fitzwalter explained that Ramsbottom no longer has a regular PACT meeting and asked if these could be reinstated.


Angela stated that she would contact Councillor Fitzwalter directly to discuss the arrangements.


·          Councillor Fitzwalter also referred to an issue that had been raised at an earlier meeting of the Township Forum regarding the installation of double yellow lines on Woodhey Road which was privately owned. Councillor Fitzwalter asked if the lines were enforceable.


It was stated that the Police or the Council could not carry out enforcement on private land and it was illegal for clamping to be carried out on private land.


·           Mr John Ireland representing Holcombe Society referred to the speed signs on the entrance into Holcombe Village and the fact that one of them had a white background. Mr Ireland asked if this could be replaced as it wasn't a legal sign.


It was stated that this would be looked into and if required the sign would be upgraded.


It was agreed:


1.           That the information provided be noted.


2.          That Angela, Ashleigh and John be thanked for their attendance at the meeting.