Agenda item

Open Forum

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting about the work or performance of the Council or the Council’s services relevant to the Radcliffe area.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Open Forum, if required.


The Chair invited questions/comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting. The Township Co-ordinator undertook to obtain a reply to matters that could not be dealt with directly at the meeting:-


John Grayson, local resident and patient at Red Bank addressed the meeting with a number of concerns relating to the withdrawal of the contract for physiotherapy services to a number of local GP practices, by the CCG. John was also supported by Harry Howarth, also a local resident and Dr Flascher, local GP based at Radcliffe Primary Care Centre.  John had written to Dr Patel, Chair of the CCG on 30 July detailing his and other residents concerns about the cut to this service and had received an acknowledgment of receipt of the letter, but no formal reply. Councillor Shori reported on his concerns relating to this issue and that he had been contacted by a number of constituents who shared these concerns.  Councillor Shori had requested that this matter be considered by the council's Health Scrutiny Committee at a meeting on Tuesday 22 September and Health and Wellbeing Board, on Thursday 24 September, at the Town Hall.  The Township Forum were requested to endorse the concerns raised at the meeting and for the issue to be included on the agenda for the next Health and Wellbeing Board and Health Scrutiny meeting.

 Eugene O'Donnell, Chair of Radcliffe Business Group provided feedback on the 'Radcliffe Live' event which had taken place on 1st August in the town centre. The group had investigated the idea of providing funding for the dusk-till-dawn lighting on the cherry trees in the square.


Following a meeting between Eugene and the Head of Street Lighting at Bury Council, a number of health and safety issues were discussed and the group were now investigating the possibility of installing solar powered lighting and the costs involved.  Eugene also raised concerns relating to the amount of litter in the Town Centre.  Councillor Isherwood gave an assurance that this issue be raised with relevant Council Officers and that the Township Co-ordinator be copied into the response received. Eugene raised the issue of Metolink users taking up car parking spaces in the Town Centre.  Councillor Shori reported that the Council could investigate 'hot spots' with the possibility of introducing time restrictions on some parking spaces.  It was suggested that this issue be included on the Township Forum Plan as part of an overall Radcliffe Parking Strategy.  Eugene also raised concerns about the old Radcliffe Times building, the doors had been left unsecured for days and that he was unaware who was responsible for the building.  Councillor Shori stated that it was privately owned but he would inform Six Town Housing.


It was agreed:


That, in respect of the decision by Bury Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to withdraw the contract for physiotherapy services at local GP practices in Radcliffe/Whitefield, members of Radcliffe Township          Forum request that this the issue be included on the agenda for the next Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on Thursday 24th September and also to for the item to be considered at a meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 22 September.