Agenda item


Councillor Andrea Simpson, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board and Heather Crozier, Social Development Manager/Policy Lead for Health & Wellbeing Board will provide a verbal presentation at the meeting.  Reports attached.



The Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board, Councillor Andrea Simpson, was in attendance to present the Health & Wellbeing Board Annual Report and the Refreshed Health & Well Being Strategy.


The Social Development Manager reported it is best practice for all Health & Wellbeing Boards to produce an annual report; the report for 2014/15 covers the Health & Wellbeing Boards first full year of operation.


All Health & Wellbeing Boards have a statutory duty to produce a Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy. The refreshed strategy has five overarching priorities and is now a condensed version of the original strategy and is presented as a ‘Plan on a page’ with Team Bury branding. Bury are the first across Greater Manchester to refresh their strategy and finalise a governance structure to oversee the successful delivery of the strategy.


The Five priorities are:

         Priority 1- Starting Well                       

        Lead- Mark Carriline (Executive Director, Department for Children, Young People and Culture)

         Priority 2- Living Well          

        Lead- Lesley Jones (Director of Public Health)

         Priority 3- Living Well with a Long Term Condition or as a Carer

     Lead- Pat Jones-Greenhalgh (Executive Director, Department for Communities & Wellbeing)

         Priority 4- Ageing Well

     Lead- Pat Jones-Greenhalgh (Executive Director, Department for Communities & Wellbeing)

         Priority 5- Healthy Places

    Lead- Pat Jones-Greenhalgh (Executive Director, Department for Communities & Wellbeing).


The Social Development Manager reported that the Board has developed a robust governance structure to underpin the Strategy.  Going forward, the Board will further develop a reporting framework to monitor the Health & Wellbeing Strategy, rationalise groups involved in the delivery of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy.  As well as refreshing the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the Board will oversee delivery of the health & wellbeing agenda under Devolution Greater Manchester.


In response to a Member’s question, the Social Development Manager reported that the aim of the Strategy is to present a holistic approach to health and wellbeing by including within the Strategy measures of success in relation to environmental and housing issues.


The Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board reported that there is no additional money to fund the actions and measures of success contained within the Strategy however the themes identified align with Council and Public Health priority areas.


In response to concerns raised in relation to Public Health Monies, the Director of Public Health reported that as part of the Devolution Manchester proposals a memorandum of understanding has been signed by all the Directors of Public Health within Greater Manchester.   The memorandum agrees to establish a single public health system across the region, utilising existing resources. The Department of Health is in the process of consulting in respect of an in-year cut to the Local Authority’s Public Health budget; this could equate to £600,000.  Discussions are ongoing across Greater Manchester with regards to any potential cuts being re-distributed across the conurbation.


With regards to a Member’s question in relation to consultation, the HWB Chair reported that the refreshed H&WB Strategy has undergone significant consultation with members of the H&WB Board (Police, Community & Voluntary Sector, CCG, Healthwatch, NHS England, Cabinet Members, Executive Director for the Department for Communities & Wellbeing, Executive Director for the Department for Children, Young People and Culture and the Director of Public Health). A series of workshops focussing on each priority took place with key internal and partner stakeholders, theme leads and performance officers. The findings from these workshops were then presented at the Health & Wellbeing Board. A Member Development Session and then subsequent Board meeting was set aside to refresh each priority, one per meeting.


In response to a Member’s question in relation to social isolation, Councillor Simpson reported that the Council is involved in a pilot scheme to tackle social isolation, if successful this will be rolled out to other areas.  The Social Development Manager reported that the Bury Directory also provides a list of community assets and tools to support members of the public with social isolation.


It was agreed:

That the report be noted.


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