Agenda item

Radcliffe Growth and Investment Leisure, Civics and Housing


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing submitted a report providing members with information in connection with a successful bid to the Homes and Communities Association (HCA), supported by the Council.  The bid is in connection with a proposal to develop a 40 unit high quality affordable housing scheme on the site of the existing Radcliffe Civic Hall and adjacent Council owned recreation land.


The report also provided an update regarding ongoing work to demolish the existing Radcliffe Pool and Fitness Centre following its closure in June 2015.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That approval be given to the sale of Council owned land, namely the site of the existing Radcliffe Civic Hall and adjacent recreation land, to Great Places Housing Association, to enable them to develop a 40 unit affordable housing scheme; subject to satisfactory agreement of the land value to be paid to the Council by Great Places Housing Association.  


2.  That authority be delegated to the Interim Executive Director of Resources and Regulation and the Executive Director of Communities and Wellbeing, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing, to approve the independently determined land value, and the commercial terms between the Council and Great Places Housing Association.


3.     That, subject to satisfaction of decisions 1 and 2 (above), approval be given to the closure of the existing Radcliffe Civic Hall with effect from 17 April 2016, together with the release of surplus Council owned recreation land adjacent to the Civic Hall.


4.     That, subject to satisfaction of decisions 1 and 2 (above), approval be given to advertise the disposal of public open space and that delegated authority be given to the Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing to:


·         Determine any objections received from the advertisement; and

·         To make a final decision as to whether or not to approve of the disposal of the public space in the light of any objections.


5.     That approval be given to further investigation into the development of a combined leisure centre and civic venue on the site of the former Radcliffe Pool and Fitness Centre on Green Street Radcliffe. This will include the development of a business case for capital expenditure and associated sustainable running costs for a new venture


6.     That the ongoing work to demolish the existing Radcliffe Pool and Fitness centre, that closed to the public in June 2015, be noted.



Reasons for the decisions:

The decision provides Radcliffe with much needed affordable housing and enables further investigation into the development of a business case for a possible new combined leisure centre and civic venue.


Other options considered and rejected:

1.     To reject the recommendations and do nothing. Radcliffe would miss out on an opportunity to deliver much needed affordable housing and an associated approved grant from the HCA to assist scheme delivery. It could also slow down the momentum in regenerating new facilities for the town centre as part of the wider Radcliffe regeneration.

2.     Delay closure – Delaying closure of the Civic Hall would result in losing the grant funding. There would also be a reputational issue with the HCA and Great Places given that the Council has a successful track record of delivering grant funded projects.