Agenda item


The following Notices of Motion have been received:-


1.  Contribution of Large Supermarkets to the Local Community


“Council notes the important role large retail outlets, such as supermarkets, play in the local economy. 

Council further notes the importance of vibrant local towns and communities and the importance of local facilities, local shops and community spaces. 

Council therefore resolves to follow the example of the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and over 60 English local authorities by submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:


‘That the Secretary of State gives Local Authorities the power to introduce a local levy of 8.5% of the rate on large retail outlets in their area with a rateable annual value not less that £500,000 and requires that the revenue from this levy be retained by the Local Authority in order to be used to improve local communities in their areas by promoting local economic activity, local services and facilities, social and community wellbeing and environmental protection.’
The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would present the opportunity to raise further revenue for the benefit of local communities, should the Council wish to use it.”


In the names of Councillors D O’Hanlon and T Pickstone.



2. Airport Dividend


“This Council welcomes the increased airport dividend of £400,000 as a result of the revaluation of Stansted airport.   In the latest “Corporate Financial and Performance Monitoring Report April 2013-June 2013” that was approved by Cabinet on the 28th August, this sum of money is being used to reduce the Council’s projected overspend position.

However, assurances were given at the Cabinet meeting on the 28th August  that the current projected overspends can been seen as being “Cautious”  at this early stage in the financial year and that departmental budgets should not overspend by the year end. Therefore, this Council resolves to:-

1) Cease using the increased airport dividend as a way of reducing the Council's projected overspend position

2) Distribute the £400,000 equally between the 6 township forums to allow them to decide how their share can be used to help fulfill local priorities.”


In the names of Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly, I Gartside, D Gunther,

M Hankey, K Hussain, S Nuttall, B Vincent, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright



              Two Notices of Motion have been received in accordance with Council Procedure
Rule 12:


1. Airport Dividend


              A Motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:-


                      Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly, I Gartside, D Gunther, M Hankey, K Hussain, S Nuttall, B Vincent, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright


                      “This Council welcomes the increased airport dividend of £400,000 as a result of the revaluation of Stansted airport.   In the latest “Corporate Financial and Performance Monitoring Report April 2013-June 2013” that was approved by Cabinet on 28 August, this sum of money is being used to reduce the Council’s projected overspend position.


However, assurances were given at the Cabinet meeting on 28 August  that the current projected overspends can been seen as being “Cautious”  at this early stage in the financial year and that departmental budgets should not overspend by the year end. Therefore, this Council resolves to:-


1)    Cease using the increased airport dividend as a way of reducing the Council's projected overspend position


2)    Distribute the £400,000 equally between the 6 township forums to allow them to decide how their share can be used to help fulfill local priorities.”


The motion on being put with 11 voting for, 31 against and 3     abstentions was declared lost


2. Contribution of Large Supermarkets to the local community


                      A Motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of Councillors Pickstone and O’Hanlon.


“Council notes the important role large retail outlets, such as supermarkets, play in the local economy. 


Council further notes the importance of vibrant local towns and communities and the importance of local facilities, local shops and community spaces. 


Council therefore resolves to follow the example of the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and over 60 English local authorities by submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:


‘That the Secretary of State gives Local Authorities the power to introduce a local levy of 8.5% of the rate on large retail outlets in their area with a rateable annual value not less that £500,000 and requires that the revenue from this levy be retained by the Local Authority in order to be used to improve local communities in their areas by promoting local economic activity, local services and facilities, social and community wellbeing and environmental protection.’

The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would present the opportunity to raise further revenue for the benefit of local communities, should the Council wish to use it.”


                It was moved by Councillor Walmsley and seconded by Councillor Isherwood as an amendment:-




“Council therefore resolves to follow the example of the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and over 60 English local authorities by submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:
‘That the Secretary of State gives Local Authorities the power to introduce a local levy of 8.5% of the rate on large retail outlets in their area with a rateable annual value not less that £500,000 and requires that the revenue from this levy be retained by the Local Authority in order to be used to improve

The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would present the opportunity to raise further revenue for the benefit of local communities, should the Council wish to use it.”




“Council also recognises the vital role played by small and independent businesses in the life and economic well-being of the borough and it therefore calls on the Government to do more to support local businesses by extending the temporary doubling of small business rate relief that was introduced by the last Labour government and which the coalition is due to scrap at the end of March 2014.”


The amendment on being put with 42 voting for, 2 against and one abstention was declared carried.


The substantive motion on being put was unanimously carried.