Agenda item

Open Forum

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting about the work or performance of the Council or the Council’s services relevant to the Radcliffe area.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Open Forum, if required.


Questions/comments were invited from residents on any other issues during Open Forum and the Township Co-ordinator undertook to obtain a reply to matters that could not be dealt  with directly at the meeting:-


Colette Jones informed the meeting that residents had now set up a Radcliffe Residents Flood Action Group.  Any resident interested in joining the group to contact Colette.  A number of concerns were raised in Open Forum, as follows:-

       The banks of River were still a mess and unsightly.

       Thanks to those who helped clean up Close Park, however the 150 bin bags of rubbish collected had been left on the Park and were now damaged and litter was escaping from the bags.

       Not all correspondence to the Leader of the Council had

received a reply. Some of the response received had been   deemed disrespectful.

       Requests for access to the local Flood Incident Map had  been declined leaving residents frustrated.      

       United Utilities lack of response to collapsed drains.

       Problems with rat infestation due to collapsed drains.

       Insurance issues.

       Eviction threats to tenants from unscrupulous landlords  when Tenants had requested repair works to rented  properties.

       Joint Authority report on flood risks in Greater Manchester in 2009 had highlighted the vulnerability of some areas of Radcliffe as at risk of flooding and reasons provided for flood risk but no action taken by Agencies to address issues raised.

       Hardy's Gate development - report had stated that the "economic outcomes (of development) outweighed flood risk". Why had this development been approved and built in 2013?

      Councillor Shori gave an assurance that the issues raised would be related to the Council's newly formed Flood Task Group but reiterated the constraints on the Authority in dealing with issues that were the statutory duty of other agencies such as United Utilities and the Environment Agency.  The Chair commented on the need for the Agencies to take ownership of the short and long term flood issues in Radcliffe.  Karen Young, Housing Officer offered to liaise with residents in relation to the eviction concerns raised at the meeting.


       Churches Together - 3 local Methodist Churches in Radcliffe had submitted a bid to the Government to open and run a Free High School in Radcliffe. Response from Governmentt on the outcome of the bid was expected in June/July and if successful the aim would be for the school to be open in September 2017.  Over 600 responses had been received following consultation of Radcliffe parents.

       Thanks from Radcliffe Heritage Society for the £250 funding obtained from the Funding Panel.  The money had been used to purchase the Calendars which had been sold and had raised over £300 for the Society.  In response to a question from Councillor Walker regarding progress on the Paper Mill gates, it was reported that the group were looking at applying for lottery funding towards the required £15 k costs.  Councillor Preston informed the meeting that the society wished to save and house the Harold Wilson commemorative plaque and Mayoral Board from the Civic Suite prior to demolition.  An offer to use the Carnival's garage space to store the plaque and board was made to the Society.


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