Agenda item


Subject to availability, an Officer from Highways will be in attendance at the meeting.


                Dave Giblin, Head of Service (Engineering) attended the meeting to explain various issues relating to Highways within the Borough.  Dave informed the Forum that re-surfacing work would be carried out on the A58 Rochdale Road, Bury, between Angouleme Way and Wash Lane.  The works are planned to start towards the end of March 2016 and will last approximately 14 weeks, in 2 phases.  The first phase of resurfacing will be carried out overnight between the hours of 8.00 pm and 5.30 am, Monday to Friday.  This phase will require the full closure of the road between Angouleme Way and Heywood Street and diversion routes will be in place to direct traffic around the closure.  This phase will last around 7 weeks.


                The second phase will be carried out during the off peak period of 9.30 am and 3.00 pm Monday to Friday and will require the use of temporary signals and temporary side road closures.


                During both phases, lane closures will be required during off peak periods to carry out localised repairs to manhole covers in the road prior to the resurfacing works starting.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:-


·      Following a question from a local resident within Redvales Ward on the number of potholes in the roads in that area, including Manchester Road, Dave explained that in relation to A, B and C roads, Bury is one of the better Authorities within Greater Manchester for the condition of the roads.  The Service has to give the greatest priority to the worst areas and the roads that will benefit Bury. There is an annual pre-set budget that cannot be exceeded.


·      Following a question on how much money the Council receive from Central Government, Dave explained that there are 2 types of expenditure; £1million for planned work to be carried out and approximately

£800,000 for reactive maintenance, which included street lighting, pavements, bridges etc.  It was explained that the Council received an allocation each year from Central Government and all work is planned, looking at all factors.  Some roads are more significant such as the roads leading to the hospitals and schools.  However, the allocation from the Government was decreasing year on year and that is why work has to be prioritised.


  • Kath Bond complained of heavy goods vehicles on Willow Street, which she has reported to the Police and local Councillors.  Councillor Holt explained that although there is a weight restriction on the Street, it is being breached.  Kath asked why other streets, such as Parsonage Street, had not been limited to 20 miles speed restrictions.


Dave explained that these were enforcement issues but stated that all resources are stretched, in order to actually implement these limits.


Councillor Connolly explained there was a 3 year programme in which £750,000 was being spent to ensure that all residential streets in the area would be limited to 20 miles per hour.  Willow Street was already limited; however, Parsonage Street was different as it was a bus route.


  • Harry Reed asked if the resurfacing will be just a cosmetic cover and if there will be any relining of the drains to keep the water off Openshaw Park.


Dave explained it will be hot road asphalt on the roads, a complete resurfacing and involving removing upwards of 4 inches off the surface.  During resurfacing, drainage is also checked.


  • Harry complained of a gulley on Rochdale Road, near an elderly person’s residence that was always flooding and Dave stated he would investigate this problem.


  • A local resident and Primary school teacher at St. Marie’s stated that she worried for the safety of the children and residents on Pimhole Road due to the traffic and speeding and asked if traffic calming measures could be put in place in this area.  Her son attends St. Thomas’ Primary and she has been in touch with the Police, Councillor Holt and the head teacher of the school over this issue.

Dave stated he would investigate this problem also.


  • A local resident raised concerns following the flooding on Boxing Day and damage to the bridges, such as Blackford Bridge, the area she lived.  Was there not something that could be put in place, such as aluminium barriers at a low cost, to stop this happening year on year


Dave explained that all the bridges within the Borough are regularly inspected above and below the water line and following any flooding, they are re-inspected.  The Council have been working alongside the Environment Agency and Dave explained there is a Flood Resilience Grant available for residents to receive £5,000 per property to try and prevent future flooding affecting homes.  On Bury Council’s website, there

is full guidance in relation to flooding.


Councillor Connolly explained that he was greatly sympathetic to all residents affected by the flooding and the Council were working with the Environment Agency, looking at new flood defences and working hard to find the money needed for these.  Councillor Connolly also explained that following the floods in 2012, even with further defences it would not have stopped the flooding that occurred on Boxing Day.  Councillor Holt explained that there were 9 Councillors within the 3 wards of Bury East and residents should email Councillors over personal issues.


                   It was agreed:


                That the Head of Service (Engineering) be thanked for his attendance at the meeting.