Agenda item


Report attached.


A report by the Assistant Director (Localities)was submitted to the Licensing and Safety Panel in relation to a request from a Licence holder to remove a condition from her Animal Boarding Establishment Licence.  The Licensing Unit Manager read the report explaining that the Animal Boarding Establishment Act 1963 is the relevant legislation which relates to the boarding of dogs and cats.  The Council has specific conditions which relate to Kennels, Catteries and boarding of animals at domestic premises.


On 12 October 2010, the Licensing and Safety Panel considered and approved Licence conditions relating to dog crèches in order to give more specific control in this growing market.  The report is in relation to condition 28 which states ‘full males, bitches in season and puppies under six months of age must not be boarded with other dogs’.  Bury Council adopted this particular condition in order to ensure the safety of all dogs attending a crèche.


Following a complaint by a member of the public concerning Mrs Carol Plumridge, the holder of the Animal Boarding Establishment Licence in relation to Goody 4 Paws, Whitefield, the Council’s Animal health inspector visited the establishment and was made aware that the Licence holder admitted that she had breached condition 28 by accepting a puppy into the crèche which was approximately 12 weeks old.  This resulted in a formal warning letter being sent to the Licence holder.


The Licence holder subsequently made a request to the Council’s Licensing and Safety Panel that condition 28 is removed from her licence to ensure she continues to operate her business in the way that she desires and will no longer be in breach of this particular condition.


Mrs Plumridge attended the meeting and explained to the members of the Licensing and Safety Panel that no dogs are kept overnight at the Premises, only between the hours of 7 am and 6 pm, therefore the word boarding is not accurate.  It was explained that puppies are introduced into the day care in a caring, positive way to ensure a pleasant, rewarding experience through play. 


Mrs Plumridge stated that Goody 4 Paws was the first dog day care in North Manchester, opening in 2007 and has not had an injured puppy during that time and only vaccinated dogs are allowed into both day care and training classes.  It is a family owned business, with no volunteers or work experience staff, as they feel this could compromise the safety of the dogs in their care if persons without behaviour qualifications were allowed to supervise play.


Mrs Sandra Coombes, Enforcement Officer in Animal Heath, then addressed the Panel and explained that following her enquiries and having considered the depth of experience and qualifications that Mrs Plumridge and her family have, she stated that she would have sufficient confidence in her ability to run the establishment without the condition attached and would be happy to advise the Licensing Panel to remove condition 28 from her Licence.


Delegated decision:


It was agreed unanimously by the Licensing and Safety Panel to remove condition 28 from the Licence.



Supporting documents: