Agenda item

Planning Applications


A report from the Development Manager was submitted in relation to the applications for planning permission.  Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers: 59633, 59715, 59951, 60194, 60482, 60508, and 60556.


The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to 3 minutes for each speaker.


Prior to the Committee meeting, site visits had taken place in relation to planning applications 59951 and 60482.


Councillor Tariq spoke as a Ward representative in respect of planning application 60482.


Delegated decision:


That Approval be given to the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Head of Development Management in the

report and the supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:


59633  Land at rear of 315 Bury Old Road, Prestwich - Prestwich Holyrood Ward

Erection of 4 no. dwellings


The decision to Approve the application included an amendment to Condition 15. To read as follows:


Condition 15: Notwithstanding the details indicated on approved plan reference DA15149.1.002 Revision 2, no development shall commence unless and until full details of the following have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

Revised arrangements at the junction of Henry Street with Bury Old Road to

improve the southerly radius, ensure that two vehicles can pass each other on

theunadopted section of Henry Street between Bury Old Road and the existing

building and provide a segregated pedestrian route from the adopted highway

incorporating the provision of bollards at the back of the facility, including all

associated highway drainage remedial works;

Formation of the proposed segregated pedestrian route along the south-easterly

side of Henry Street to the interface with the adopted footway on Henry Street

including all associated highway remedial works;

Formation of the car park access incorporating an inward opening gate.

The details subsequently approved shall be implemented to an agreed programme.

Reason. To secure the satisfactory development of the site in terms of highway

safety, ensure good highway design and maintain the integrity of the adopted

highway, in the interests of highway safety pursuant to the following Policies of the

Bury Unitary Development Plan:

Policy EN1/2 - Townscape and Built Design

Policy H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development

Policy H2/2 - The Layout of New Residential Development.


59951  1Glenmere Close, Prestwich - Prestwich St Mary's Ward

Change of use from 6 bed HMO to 8 bed HMO with creation of additional car parking space and 6 no. cycle spaces


60156  The Roundhouse, Bradshaw Road, Walshaw, Tottington, Bury - Ramsbottom & Tottington - Tottington Ward

Variation of condition no.2 (approved drawings) of planning permission 54249: This decision relates to proposed plans (received on 12 July, 2016) and the development shall not be carried out except in accordance with the drawings hereby approved.


(Note: Councillor Harris proposed an alternative motion - to refuse the planning application on the grounds that the position, height and style of the extension is detrimental to the Greenbelt in view of the Ministerial Statement issued in December, 2015.  The alternative motion, proposed

byCouncillor Harris was not seconded).


60413  34Parkhills Road, Bury - Bury East - Redvales Ward


Two storey extension at side and rear; Excavation of front garden to allow formation of new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Horne Street.


60414  106 Park Road, Prestwich - Prestwich - Sedgley Ward

Conversion of residential house to 6 no. apartments


60425  Killelea House, Brandlesholme Road, Bury - Bury West Elton Ward

First floor extension and remodelling of building with new main entrance at front; Creation of outdoor covered outdoor therapy area and outdoor terrace; New roadway within the site, widening access from Brandlesholme Road and additional on site parking; Lighting to external areas; Refuse storage compound and cycle racks accessed from existing service road rear and demolition of 2 no. existing garages


The decision to Approve the application included the addition of the following Condition:


Condition 1: The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason.Required to be imposed by Section 91 Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


(Note: Councillor Preston left the room during consideration of the application, having declared a prejudicial interest).


60482  Thumbs Up (Bury) Ltd, Greenfields, Dumers Lane, Bury - Bury East - Redvales Ward

Proposed trailer storage area and open material storage, erection of landscaped perimeter bunding and acoustic/security fencing


(Note: Councillor Haroon left the room during consideration of the application, having made a declaration of predetermination).


60508  Harper Fold Farm, Lavender Street, Radcliffe - Radcliffe West Ward

Proposed barn conversion to form 2 no. new dwellings


60509  Harper Fold Farm, Lavender Street, Radcliffe - Radcliffe West Ward

Proposed indoor riding school/ménage


60556  Land off Roach Bank Road, Bury - Whitefield - Whitefield & Unsworth Ward

Full planning application for an industrial unit for a food production facility with ancillary offices, associated parking, service yards and landscaping


That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Head of Development Management in the report and the supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:


                   59715  Redisher Works, Holcombe Old Road, Ramsbottom - Ramsbottom & Tottington - Ramsbottom Ward

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 22 no.dwellings including works to culverted watercourse


60194  Plots 1 & 2, Shrewsbury Road, off Lowther Road, Prestwich - Prestwich - St Mary's Ward

Variation of Condition no.2 (approved drawings) of planning permission 56691 to change the construction type and position of section of retaining wall behind plots 1 & 2 and revisions to the vehicle access gates (swing to sliding) and addition of lighting on columns to gates


Supporting documents: