Agenda item




                          Mike Owen, Chief Executive, Bury Council and Stuart North, Chief Operating Officer Bury CCG attended the meeting to provide members with a verbal presentation in respect of the Locality plan, the OCO and the LCO.  The presentation contained the following information:


The proposed changes will result in a new relationship between public services and citizens, communities and businesses that enables shared decision making, democratic accountability and voice, genuine co-production and joint delivery of services. He stressed that they involve treating communities as assets and doing with them, not to them.  Individuals will have greater responsibility, ownership and control of their own health and wellbeing including their environment within the community.  The proposals are seen as the right thing to do and are not driven by the need to make cost savings although they should lead to a reduction in the number of avoidable contacts and demand for specialist, higher cost, services.



The One Commissioning Organisation will bring together the commissioning functions of Council and CCG.  The CCG will transfer into the Councils structure on 1 April 2017 and operate as a virtual commissioning organisation with integrated meeting structures and decision making.


Functions of the OCO:

?      Oversee flow of resources in and out of Borough

?      Define standards and outcomes

?      System leadership and leaders for transformation

?      Local assurance body

?      Shapes the market


A Programme Initiation Document approved by Joint Leadership Team, programme structure being established and work being undertaken to scope quick wins


The Locality Care Organisation will bring together five key provider partners and GP representatives from the 4 Sectors and will operate as an Alliance from April 2017.  With two high level outcomes:

?      Well-being (long term)

?      Urgent care – stabilising the system

As well as an all age, out of hospital model, focused around Neighbourhoods and the establishment of a Programme Board.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:


The Chief Executive reported that the CCG will continue to exist as a legal entity, these plans are concerned with the allocation of resources for health and social care and ensuring that this is undertaken jointly, taking into account, clinical, political and managerial input.


The Chief Operating Officer, Bury CCG reported that the Locality Care Organisation will be the delivery arm of the proposed changes; urgent care provision is severely under strain and it is imperative that these proposals will help to stabilise the health and social care economy.  The organisation will operate via quasi-contractual arrangements, some budgets will be brought together others will be legally pooled.


The Chief Executive reported that these proposals will be about a whole system approach to the issues affecting the health and social care economy in the Borough.  The Chief Operating Officer reported that working together will help to improve outcomes and maximise opportunities.


The Chief Operating Officer reported co-commissioning services across health and social care that this is a genuine attempt to work collaboratively with partners, key stakeholders and the third sector.  There will be a number of challenges including, encouraging members of the public and staff to buy in to a new way of delivering services, as well as a greater emphasis on self care and prevention.


With regards to the Programme Board, the Board is will operate as the Executive arm of the Locality Care Organisation.  There is already discussions underway in respect of other providers being involved in the organisation.  It may be that specific organisations for example, pharmacy may be involved in particular projects.


It was agreed:


1.   Mike Owen, Chief Executive Bury Council and Stuart North Chief Operating Officer Bury Clinical Commissioning Group be thanked for their attendance.

The Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee will receive regular updates on the progress of the Locality Plan, the Locality Care Organisation and the One Commissioning Organisation