Agenda item


Update on the progress of the review and the options out for public consultation.


Elizabeth Binns, Head of Libraries, attended the meeting to give a presentation on the progress of the Library Review and the options for Library service provision included in a public consultation. Elizabeth explained the financial position of the Council and the decisions required to ensure that a comprehensive Library Service continued to be provided within Bury. In making the decisions the Council was aware of the value the people of Bury have for Libraries through the services they provide.


The consultation process started last Summer (2016) and was considering the following six principles:


·         Library services across the borough

·         Protecting the vulnerable

·         Cost effective

·         Technology

·         Volunteers

·         Communities


The following key issues are what have come to the forefront of what is important to people in what the libraries can provide; books and reading, community, staff, volunteers, children, access, technology and learning and from the first two consultations it was important to provide for the people of Bury the core offer of reading and literacy, digital inclusion, information and learning and community support and development in order to provide a service to meet the needs and aspirations of residents of the Borough.


However, there have been financial losses to the Council and the Government expect all Councils to be self sufficient by 2020.  The Libraries budget is currently 2.4 million but deducted from that must be resources including  HR, IT and Payroll Services, therefore, effectively making the budget 2 million and this will be cut by a half by 2020, meaning that the Council will not be able to continue to provide the buildings, staff and resources it does currently.


There are two options being considered, which are; to retain Bury, Ramsbottom and Prestwich Libraries plus a service wide team, or, option two which is; to retain Bury, Ramsbottom, Prestwich and Radcliffe Libraries plus a smaller service wide team.


Elizabeth explained that it was important for all residents to have their say and take part in the survey.  The consultation ends on 26 April and the final report will be put to cabinet on 18 May with a view to implementing the agreed decision by August 2017.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:


·        A local resident stated that the local Library in Topping Fold acted as a community centre especially to residents over 65 and to close this would be detrimental to the local community in the area.  Money has been allocated from the Government to help with Social care and it should be recognised that it was very important to keep older people both physically and mentally stimulated and could some of this allocated money not be spent in order to keep the Libraries open.


Councillor Holt acknowledged that it was distressing to residents having to close the Libraries but the situation in relation to the budget to the Council was now unprecedented. 7 million was being provided from the Government but this must be spent directly on Social care in order to provide care packages.  It was a fact that people were living longer and would need to be cared for in later life.


·         A local resident stated that Topping Fold Library held a youth group on a Friday evening for more than 50 youths.  This was a very important youth group as it had proved to cut down on the anti social behavior within the area.  If this building was closed this would be very detrimental to the local youths and community overall in the Topping Fold area.


·       Harry Reed stated that with the increase in Council Tax this should alleviate some of the financial burden and Councillor Holt explained unfortunately this did not solve the problem.


Elizabeth stated that there would be support for local community groups that wanted to use the buildings but there were limited resources that could be provided.  Councillor Connolly stated that the closing of the Library in Topping Fold will be a huge loss to the area.


Councillor Tariq, Cabinet Member for Communities, explained that there was an infrastructure in place within the third and voluntary sector in relation to mapping all the community groups with a view for bigger organisations supporting smaller groups in terms of bid writing etc. and it was hoped that this would be a success.


        It was agreed:


        That Elizabeth Binns be thanked for her presentation.