Agenda item

Library Review - Presentation

A presentation will be given at the meeting on the Council’s current Review of Library provision in the Borough.


Elizabeth Binns, Head of Library Service, BMBC gave a presentation on the current stage of the consultation on the future of library provision in Bury.  It was reported that the Library Service needed to make radical changes in the way the services are delivered in the borough due to the unprecedented cuts to local authority funding in the coming years.  The Library Service Review began in 2016, would last over a year and was currently half-way through the process.  The review focused on the following 6 key principles:-


1.        Library services across the borough – the reality was that there would not be a library for every community.

2.        Protecting the vulnerable – ensuring service provision for the most vulnerable members of the community.

3.        Cost effective

4.        Technology - over 50% of the community do not have a PC or access to a PC.

5.        Volunteers – there were approximately 140 library volunteers in Bury.

6.        Communities – reorganising service provision to ensure the community access for the wider community.


The Core offer would prioritise reading and literacy; digital inclusion, support information and learning and community support and development.  The presentation highlighted the financial situation for the service, that the library budget had already been cut by one-third – reduced in 2013/14 by £870,000 and would be reduced by a further £1 million by 2018/19.  Option 1 would be to retain Bury, Ramsbottom and Prestwich libraries plus a service wide team, Option 2 would retain Bury, Ramsbottom, Prestiwch and Radcliffe libraries plus a smaller service wide team.  The Communities were being invited to have their say on the Options available as part of the consultation.  It was reported that over 2,000 responses had been received so far.  The consultation would close on 26 April, the Cabinet would make the decision on the future of the library service at a meeting on 18 May, 2017 followed by a staff consultation process from July, 2017.  The final implementation of the revised library service would commence from 1 August, 2017. 


The Chair invited questions/comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting:-


·                If Radcliffe library were to close, what would happen to the building?

Some of the buildings may be utilised by the community but there were cost implications relating to ongoing expenses to for the running and upkeep of the buildings.  Each building would be looked at on an individual basis.

·                Radcliffe library had ‘Carnegie’ status – would that not offer it some protection from potential closure?

There is an element of protection for libraries who hold this statement but it was important to note that some of these had been closed by other local authorities around the country.

·                What about community groups who may be interested in taking over service provision?

Any community group who may be interested to take over library provision were being asked to contact Elizabeth Binns.

·                What will happen to the Adult Education services at Whitefield?

There would be Adult Education provision at Prestwich library.

·                Why is Bury Central Library on both options – seems to be lots of empty space hardly used?

It was reported that Bury Central Library was still the most used library in the Borough.

·                How do you work out the usage levels of each library?

The Council are able to work out actual library usage from membership, loan records and the demographic of users – there is a comprehensive range of statistics used to show actual usage for each library. 

·                As most people seemed to favour Option 2, could the Councillors ensure that they promote this for Radcliffe.  The area has lost out to so much in recent times, we need to ensure that we do not lose out on this. Councillor Shori moved that Radcliffe Township Forum formally endorse and support the implementation of Option 2 of the Review.  This was seconded by Councillor Cathcart and unanimously supported by members of the Township Forum and members of the public present.


It was agreed:


1.        That the information provided be noted, with thanks.

2.        That Radcliffe Township Forum endorse and support Option 2 of the Review of Library Services in Bury.