Agenda item


A presentation will be given at the Meeting.


Elizabeth Binns, Head of Libraries and Councillor Sandra Walmsley, Cabinet Member for Strategic Housing and Support Services attended the meeting to report on the consultation that was being undertaken in relation to the future of the library service across Bury.


Elizabeth explained the financial position of the Council and the decisions required to ensure that a comprehensive Library Service continued to be provided within Bury. In making the decisions the Council was aware of the value the people of Bury have for Libraries through the services they provide.  The consultation process started last Summer and was considering the following six principles:


·                    Library services across the borough

·                    Protecting the vulnerable

·                    Cost effective

·                    Technology

·                    Volunteers

·                    Communities


The following key issues are what have come to the forefront of what is important to people in what the libraries can provide; books and reading, community, staff, volunteers, children, access, technology and learning and from the first two consultations it was important to provide for the people of Bury the core offer of reading and literacy, digital inclusion, information and learning and community support and development in order to provide a service to meet the needs and aspirations of residents of the Borough.


However, there have been financial losses to the Council and the Government expect all Councils to be self sufficient by 2020.  The Libraries budget is currently 2.4 million but deducted from that must be resources including  HR, IT and Payroll Services, therefore, effectively making the budget 2 million and this will be cut by a half by 2020, meaning that the Council will not be able to continue to provide the buildings, staff and resources it does currently.


There are two options being considered, which are; to retain Bury, Ramsbottom and Prestwich Libraries plus a service wide team, or, option two which is; to retain Bury, Ramsbottom, Prestwich and Radcliffe Libraries plus a smaller service wide team.


Elizabeth explained that it was important for all residents to have their say and take part in the survey.  The consultation ends on 27 April and the final report will be put to cabinet on 18 May with a view to implementing the agreed decision by August 2017.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:


·         A member of the public asked what would happen to the stock of books from each of the libraries?


Elizabeth explained that all stock would be sorted and the best resources would be kept for the library service. If surplus to requirements the remaining stock would be offered to other Council services, schools and community groups.


There would be a possibility of volunteers/community groups being given a book collection to enable them to run a small library offer. These collections could then be rotated with other groups.


·         A member of the public asked what would happen to the buildings.


Elizabeth explained that some of the buildings were rented, some of the libraries were located in other buildings such as churches or the leisure centre and these would be handed back. Some of the buildings could be taken on by community groups who would take over and manage the buildings and some may be sold. Whatever happened with the buildings it would have to best at no cost to the Council.


·         Councillor Hankey asked whether it would be possible for a community group to run a library.


Elizabeth stated that this would be possible but would have to be an informal library provision.


Councillor Walmsley explained that some groups are more interested in the buildings as a community facility rather than a library. The Council were talking to these groups and trying to offer support through the transition period.


·         A member of the public asked whether any IT resources would be available if community groups took over the buildings.


Elizabeth explained that all of the resources would be removed from the buildings. All library buildings currently had wifi available and this would be the case as long as the new tenants took over payment. Whichever groups took over the buildings they would have to provide their own IT facilities.


·         Councillor Walker referred to the Central Library reducing in size due to the introduction of the sculpture centre and asked whether the original footprint should be reinstated if the Central Library would now be the main library in the borough.


Elizabeth explained that the sculpture centre would not be closing. The space in the Library has been reviewed to see what could be brought into public use. It was hoped that a reading area and community space could be identified.


·         A member of the public stated that the GMSF had highlighted the need for new houses and the people moving into those houses would need facilities such as libraries.


Councillor Walmsley explained that the GMSF would be looking at infrastructure as the next part of its consultation. The Library consultation was being undertaken as a need to reduce costs across the Council and this would have to be done over the next 3 years by which time the Council would have to be self sufficient. The GMSF was looking ahead to 2030.


·         Councillor Harris referred to the option of having 4 library sites and the fact that this would have to be run on the same budget as the other option of 3 sites and asked how this would affect the service.


Elizabeth explained that there would still be the same amount of money and the same amount of staff whichever option was chosen. The review that was carried out asked what kind of a service was required at the different locations. This showed that some of the libraries were better utilised in the evenings so could open later in the day and some were used more in the mornings. Whichever option was decided on community time would be built in.


It was agreed:


That Elizabeth Binns and Councillor Walmsley be thanked for their presentation.