Agenda item

Better Care Fund Monitoring Report

Dave Boulger, Programme Director (Devolution) will report at the meeting.  Report attached.


The Programme Director (Devolution) presented the recently submitted Better Care Fund Monitoring Report.  The data collection template requires the Health & Wellbeing Board to track through the high level metrics and deliverables from the Health & Wellbeing Board Better Care Fund plan.


The Programme Director reported that all of the national conditions are currently being met and there are no areas for concern.


There is no improvement in performance for Non elective admissions, Delayed Transfers of Care and permanent admissions to residential care. Admissions due to falls, patient satisfaction and reablement are on track to meet the target.


Reduction in non-elective admissions: There has been a steady increase in non-elective admissions for Bury patients throughout 16/17 however this has reduced in Q4.


Delayed transfers of care: Despite promising progress at the beginning of the year, target has not achieved at year end. There were 5980 delayed days in 16/17 compared with 5680 in 15/16 an increase of 5%.

Admissions due to falls: We have been on target for this measure through the year and have achieved target at year end with a decrease in falls over the past 2 quarters.


Were you involved in discussions on your care and treatment: This survey measure tends to be static and determine after releases of 3 different surveys throughout the year. The GP survey is now being published annually in July which when released will enable us to calculate the overall average for this measure.


Permanent admissions to Residential care: There has been an increase in residential admissions this year which after investigation seems to be due to the inclusion of full cost clients in the measure definition (clients who pay for their own care but who will continue to be reviewed annually by local authority) and a significant increase of those this year. On average there we 28 admissions per month but in February there were 44 and March 40. Without these full cost clients we would remain on target.


Reablement: We have achieved target for this measure at year end.


         It was agreed:


         That sign off of the Better Care Fund Monitoring Report will continue to be delegated to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, copies of the report, once submitted, will be forwarded for consideration by the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Supporting documents: