Agenda item


Dave Boulger, Programme Director (Devolution) will attend the meeting to provide members with an update in respect of:

·         Governance including Risk register

·         Measures of Success

·         Pooled Budgets

·         Transformation Monies

·         Financial Sustainability



David Boulger, Programme Director, Devolution, attended the meeting to provide members with an update in respect of the Transformation agenda.  The presentation contained information on the following; GM Transformation Fund, Financial Sustainability, Governance, Risk Management and Pooled Budgets.


The Programme Director reported that the following investment of £19.23 million from the Greater Manchester Transformation Fund has been agreed:

2016/17 .995 million

2017/18 7.031 million

2018/19 6.311 million

2019/20 4.893 million


The Programme Director reported that in regards to financial sustainability the transformation plans should result in a shift from a projected £75.6million financial gap by 2020/21, to a £4.6million projected surplus in 2020/21, increasing to a projected surplus of £5.6million in 2021/22.  This will achieved via cost improvement plans, productivity savings, provider divestment and the impact of GM wide savings. 

The Transformation Programme Board will oversee the transformation work and would report into the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Programme Director reported that there are a number of key risks associated with the project which include:

- Lack of system capacity to mobilise proposed changes;

- Inability to recruit staff into required roles;

- Inability to mobilise required IMT requirements;

- Cuts to existing services undermine transformation

- Level of provider restructuring/ reconfiguration required

- Risk share agreements non-existent or are insufficient


The Programme Director reported that key measures of success will include financial and clinical sustainability, improved health outcomes for local people, reduced health inequalities as well as local people actively involved in their own health and wellbeing.


In respect of the pooled budget arrangements the Programme Director reported that a one commissioning plan is being developed, budget mapping and due diligence is under way, provider pooled budget – Early adopter approaches as well as risk share agreements are under development across providers.


Those present were invited to ask questions and the following issues were raised.


Members of the Committee expressed concern that there is a great deal of risk associated with the transformation project.

In response to a Member’s question with regards to risk management, the Programme Director reported that work has been undertaken to mitigate the risk.  A comprehensive programme management framework is being mobilised and due diligence is being undertaken in respect of pooled budgets.


With regards to auditing of the Transformation monies received from Greater Manchester this is primarily undertaken by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Board.  If the outcomes aren’t achieved GM can withhold funding.  The Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee have a role to play in scrutinising how the transformation monies are being spent and whether the Council are achieving its measures of success and mitigating the risks identified.


The Director of Public Health responding to a Member’s question confirmed that it is essential that work undertaken as part of the Locality Plan, Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Starting Well Partnership and Public Service Reform all link together and is not done in isolation. 


With regards to the workforce, the Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing reported that tackling the workforce and persuading the public to self-care are the two key factors in enabling the delivery of the Locality Plan.  A workforce workshop has been arranged to discuss the implications of the proposals the challenge is services will be delivered differently and the workforce is needed to mobilise the change.


        It was agreed:


1.   The Chair of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be invited to the workforce workshop.

2.   Dave Boulger, Programme Director be thanked for his attendance and the Chair wished him well in his new role within Greater Manchester Devolution.

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