Agenda item


A report from the Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing is attached.


The Interim Executive Director of Resources and Regulation, Steve Kenyon, presented a report from Councillor Eamonn O’Brien Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing.


The report provided Members with details of risk management activity that had taken place over the past 12 months. The report also outlined risk management policies and the key issues that would be addressed during the coming financial year.


It was explained that Risk Assessment Action Plan Registers (RAAP’s) were used across departments to record identified risks and opportunities and the actions being taken. The Council’s risk management framework was outlined within the report and each of the department’s progress against the risks was set out.


It was explained that as well as the department RAAP’s there was also the Corporate RAAP which records the Council’s most significant risks. The Corporate RAAP is reviewed continually by the Strategic Leadership Team.


Member input was sought via the Corporate Risk Management Group and quarterly reports to the Audit Committee.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions or make comments and the following points were raised:


·         Councillor Walmsley referred to the Council Tax Support Scheme and asked questions in relation to this:


Had there been any increase of requests for support?


What is the current position in relation to residents’ in arrears?


·         Councillor Walmsley referred to the Social Care Precept and asked how this was invested and how it was being prioritised.  Councillor Walmsley also asked what the waiting time was for older people to get care packages in place.


Steve Kenyon explained that the precept was invested straight into Adult Care. One main areas highlighted was around delayed discharges.


·         Councillor Walmsley referred to the 59 weeks’ that was reported as being the waiting time for therapists to visit in relation to adaptations.


Steve explained that adaptations wouldn’t be funded from the precept but he would make some enquiries in relation to this.


·         Councillor Walker referred to the recent reports around delayed discharge and the Better Care Fund and stated that he would be asking questions in relation to this at the next meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee.


Robert Fenton, Assistant Director of Resources explained that the Council jointly with the CCG should carry out due diligence to ensure that outcomes are achieved and quality improved.


·         Councillor Walker referred to paragraph 1.3 of the report and stated that he thought the money referred to had been received.


Steve stated that this money had now been received.


·         Councillor Walker referred to the Greater Manchester Devolution agenda and the transformation bid. Councillor Walker stated that he agreed that this should be on the risk register and he was concerned that Bury could get overlooked and not receive what is equitable.


·         Councillor Walker referred to the control measures mentioned on page 9 of the report and asked whether these were still in place.


Steve reported that the measures referred to were still in place.


·         Councillor Walker referred to the reduction in services and the fact that the Council would have to manage the expectations of its residents.


It was explained that there were a number of initiatives being launched and different ways of working.


Delegated Decision:


1.       That the Audit Committee re-affirms its support for the Council’s approach to Risk Management.


2.       That the progress made throughout 2016/2017 and the actions planned for 2017/2018 be noted.



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