Agenda item


A report from Karen Dolton, Interim Executive Director of Children and Young People is attached.


Karen Dolton, Interim Executive Director of Children and Young People attended the meeting to give an update on the progress made in relation to the recommendations identified in the Newsam Report.


It was explained that in July 2017 the Council had received a report setting out findings and recommendations in relation to actions of both members and officers regarding safeguarding issues.


It was explained that the meeting had resolved that the Interim Executive Director should implement any outstanding recommendations in relation to safeguarding and adoption procedures.


Karen reported that she was satisfied that the failings highlighted in the Newsam Report were not indicative of a wider or systemic problem.


A thorough Ofsted inspection of Bury’s services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers had been carried out between 22 February and 17 March 2016. Bury had been judged to be good for safeguarding children and judged as having a good adoption service. The judgement was made after thorough examination and auditing of a number of children’s case files and extensive scrutiny of performance information and policies and procedures.


A number of additional measures have also been implemented to give assurance of that practice is of good quality and compliant with procedures.


A new quality assurance framework had been launched in March 2017 which requires monthly auditing by team managers and strategic leads of randomly selected children’s file. Each file is given a judgement and remedial actions are followed up to ensure that practice improves.


It was also explained that the Council’s whistleblowing policy had been strengthened and all members of staff were aware that if they felt their concerns had not been dealt with adequately they could raise their concerns with Ofsted.


The recommendations were set out within the report and the actions undertaken were explained:


The council to publicise and reinforce the role of the LADO.


It was explained that the role of the LADO was well understood in Bury and the investigation had not revealed any ignorance of the role but a choice not to involve the LADO appropriately. Strategic leads have emphasised the role at a number of meetings with staff. The LADO had also given a presentation to several Councillors and the role of the LADO in relation to adopters had been updated.


Council to ensure all staff are aware of the regulatory role of Ofsted.


It was reported that the adoption procedures have been updated to reflect the content of the regulations and these were set out within the report.


Council to immediately ensure a conflict of interest assessment is undertaken on all Councillors and employees who come to the attention of children’s social care.


It was explained that the main policy change related to the Council acting as Adoption Agency where a member of staff or councillor was the applicant. These changes have been put into place.


Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following were raised:


  • Councillor Harris referred to the procedures with regards to the LADO not being followed correctly and asked how it could be ensured that something like this did not happen again.


It was explained that the procedures were in place and were much tighter. There was a lot more awareness of the consequences of what could happen if procedures were not followed and this was reinforced at all levels.


  • Reference was made to the policy relating to conflicts of interest assessments and Karen reported that the policy was in place and was working as intended.


  • Councillor Leach referred to the Interim Practice Improvement Manager and asked whether this position would continue.


It was explained that the role would continue to be filled for the foreseeable future.


  • Councillor James referred to the Ofsted inspection and asked whether any systemic problems had been highlighted.


Karen reported that there were no systemic issues raised. It was also explained that there would normally be a requirement to have an annual conversation between the Council and Ofsted but since the investigation and resulting recommendations the Council was now required to have 6 monthly conversations and 2 further monitoring visits before the next big Ofsted inspection which was anticipated to be undertaken in 2019.


  • Councillor Caserta referred to Bury Safeguarding Board and asked whether it was right that the Council’s Chief Executive appoints the Independent Chair to the Board.
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It was explained that that this was normal procedure. The Chief Executive would be one member of a panel made up of a number of professionals from different organisations and agencies.


It was agreed:


That Karen be thanked for the update.



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