Agenda item


Jo Purcell, Deputy Director North East Sector will report at the meeting.  Reports attached.


Denise Turner, Director of Planning and Performance, North east Sector presented a report outlining current issues regarding performance of Pennine Acute NHS Trust in the first quarter  and part of the second quarter of this year. It was explained that PAHT performance was reported as a single organisation, accountability for performance rests with each Care Organisation either as a site responsibility or where they host the service on behalf of PAHT.


Each care organisation reports monthly to the Board with a statement of assurance that describes its performance against quality, finance and use of resources, operational performance, engagement and workforce, leadership and capability and strategic change. The report presented focussed on quality and operational performance.


Denise explained that the quarter 2 updates were due to be received within the next week and would show that there had been a weakening position around cancer performance. An independent Chair had been assigned the task of pulling together a Committee which was in the process of producing an action plan to work against. The Committee would meet monthly from November and would address the 2 week wait which had deteriorated from April as had the 62 day wait figure.


It was reported that demand was continuing in emergency and urgent care and was expected to rise as heading into winter but the winter planning process was being carried out across GM.


It was explained that all care organisations continue to implement the Nursing Accreditation System across all wards and the CQC had recognise the improved standards.


Those present were given the opportunity to make comments and ask questions and the following points were raised:


·         Councillor Walker referred to the fact that NMGH would be transferring to Manchester NHS Foundation Trust and that Manchester Council had not sent representation to the Joint Committee and asked whether NMGH was represented on the Committee which had been mentioned in relation to cancer waiting times.


It was explained that every organisation was included in the work including NMGH. It was still part of the organisation until the day that it transferred over and as such support would continue until then.


·         Councillor Norman asked where the service deterioration was focussed in relation to cancer performance, whether it was highlighted more in specific locations.


It was explained that the issues were related to pathways more than location. There has been an increase in demand across all cancer groups but specifically colorectal and this was likely to continue as more and people were being screened.


·         Councillor Heffernan referred to winter pressures but also the fact that there had been high demand across summer and asked how this had affected performance.


It was explained that more costs had been incurred in relation to emergency and urgent care. There have been discussion and planning in relation to this but no extra funding.


·         Councillor McLaren referred to the CQC Action Plan and asked about the work around this.


It was explained that resources were being managed and the trust was still on target to deliver what was set out in the budget. Agency spend was being addressed and there had been some success in recruiting doctors. There was no plan to reduce staff but to fill the vacancies with permanent staff.


Members of the Committee requested that they be provided with the final Q2 figures when they were available.


Members also requested that they be provided with the CCG date from each area in relation to commissioning statistics and cancer pathways.


It was agreed:


1.   That Denise Turner be thanked for her attendance


2.   That the contents of the report be noted and the information requested as set out above be provided.


3.   The Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee review the full year figures at its meeting in June 2019.


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