Agenda item


Geoff Little, Chief Executive Bury Council, Jeff Schryer, Chair Bury Clinical Commissioning Group and Chris O'Gorman, Independent Chair, Locality Care Alliance will attend the meeting.  Reports attached.



Geoff Little, Chief Executive, Bury Council, Dr Schryer, Chair, Clinical Commissioning Group and Chris O’Gorman, Independent Chair, Locality Care Alliance attended the meeting to provide members with an update in respect of the Locality Plan. 


A report had been circulated to members prior to the meeting, the report was supplemented by a verbal presentation which provided information with regards to:

·         Locality Care Alliance

·         Bury’s Single Commissioning Function

·         The Financial implications of the Locality Plan for the health and social care system overall and for the Council in particular, and

·         Bury’s position in relation to standardisation of hospital services across Greater Manchester and the future of the Pennine Acute NHS Trust.


        Members also considered the Bury Locality Risk Register.


Those present were invited to ask questions and the following issues were raised.


Responding to members’ concerns with regards to life expectancy figures across the Borough; the Chief Executive reported that work to tackle this problem will need to begin in pregnancy/early years.  These changes will result in different types of relationship between the public and public services going forward.


This work will be supported by the development of the integrated neighbourhood teams (INT) of which there will be 5.  These teams will consist of community health professionals, district nurses, adult social workers, GPs and others.  The Independent Chair, LCA reported that initial work will be undertaken to assess those service users that are at the greatest risk of a care arrangement breaking down, once identified, then to intervene early to prevent this.  The underpinning goals will be to organise care based on anticipated need and coordinate care so that it interacts as effectively as possible. 


Responding to concerns raised by Councillors in respect of the governance arrangements and timelines for implementation, the CCG Chair reported that commissioners would take into account the voice of the patient when designing services. 


The Chief Executive reported that governance is currently under developed at a neighbourhood level.  Work will be undertaken to enable employees to share casework management systems as well as developing a single line management structure.  A single commissioning board will be developed this will report in to both the Council’s and CCG’s decision making structure.[M1] 


During discussion of this item concern was raised as to whether the development of the OCO and the LCA would result in the duplication of Management positions across the different organisations.   The Independent Chair reported he would want to assure Members, that another additional layer of management will not be created as a result of these changes.  The majority of appointments will be covered internally and will not then be subsequently backfilled within the respective organisations.  There will be 5 new posts created as part of the INT, these will be recruited to shortly. 


The CCG Chair reported that it is imperative that working together the CCG and the LA review where and how health money is spent across the Borough.  


The Chief Executive responding to a member’s question with regards to the role of clinicians in the process, reported that the newly established Single Commissioning Board will be made up of Political and Clinical representatives advised by officers from the respective organisations.  The INT will also include clinicians.


With regards to the cost associated with this area of transformation, Dr Schryer reported that there is an expectation that the local system/organisations will provide monies to support this work.


It was agreed:


Members will continue to monitor the progress of the establishment of the Integrated Neighbourhood Teams and other transformation projects as well as the risk register.


 [M1]Role of the voluntary sector was also flagged by GL at this point

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